
Holy cow, can you imagine a Denny Crane guest appearance?

re: Markham's plan. Very much underwhelmed by it. He just wants to buy up land in preparation for a eventually completely-legal business venture? I don't know much about fictional Kentucky, but I can't imagine that farmland is *that* hard to come by or that expensive. The whole thing just seems so un-sinister.

I would pay good money to see a showdown between Carl's Hat and your namesake. Throw in Raylan Givens' hat for good measure. And Jayne's toque.

I think the problem is that this is not intentionally campy, so it fails on both levels. It's too shoddy to be a good horror drama, and it tries to hard to be a cheap b-movie series.

"Corey Stoll, Guillermo Del Toro, eye worms, and vampires! "

Totally. I think editing/directing (whatever that would be considered) is an underrated part of comedy. In addition to the fantastic comedic timing of the actors, there have been some priceless cuts, like the one you mention, that add to how great this show is.

FINALLY. I can finally forgive FX for cancelling Terriers.

Ditto. You basically said everything I was thinking. Love how nearly every main character was responsible for some genuine laughs.

He disappears from the book for a few hundred pages at a time as well.

It's like The Farm all over again.

Either thay was glistening wig glue on the widow's peak of Stoll's wig or Eph sweats in only that spot.

Did anyone else notice when Eph drove that rinkydink Toyota into the city to look for Kelly, the license plate was SRS GUY? Got a good laugh out of it…I'm hoping it was an intentional jab.

I laughed out loud at that reveal. That face was like a reject from the Henson Creature Shop.

I kept seeing Jim Carrey under there.

After his passing, I read through his Reddit AMA. He elaborates on that particular anecdote:

I feel like Robin Williams would have loved that comment though.

Holy shit the dirty language last night! Some of the best dialogue I've ever heard on television. I mean actual television, not computer television.

You forgot that the entire debacle will be caused by some preposterously irrational trigger like his cat getting diabetes or the Pearson Specter cafeteria changing brands of artificial sweeteners.

Ah yes. Also the occasional impromptu boxing match or pickup basketball game.

This episode totally supports my theory that Suits should completely drop any and all plot and just be 44 minutes of good-looking lawyers exchanging snarky quips, movie references and sexual innuendo. I stopped trying to understand the storyline about 10 minutes into the episode.