
Wow. Just doing my first full series rewatch since the finale, and I picked up on those looks only by knowing about Robin & Barney's future. Kudos to foxtrot delta.

Raylan's dialogue this season was the best it's ever been (except the "next one will be comin faster" quip to Wynn. Nothing beats that). That stone cold reminder of his threat to Darryl Crowe as Crowe lay dying…damn.

Jimmy's death actually saddened me. He seemed so frightened the entire time, and the actual death scene…one of the most realistic in Justified's run.

After having the same "where the f is all of this going" feeling all season, I'm beginning to think that all of the loose ends are actually meta. That this is the beginning of the end for Raylan's devil-may-care method of doing his job. His normally cool demeanor has been breaking at an increasing pace, and his hold

Dear Graham Yost,
Thanks for getting the taste of last night's HIMYM out of my mouth.
A Fan of Well-Written TV

Hey, don't you talk that way about that guy whose name I can't remember who played the character whose name I can't remember who was the husband of that actress whose name I can't remember who plays Raylan's baby-momma.

Geez can Louis just get a complete win, just once. Dude's like a chubby, angry Wile E. Coyote.

Shades of classic, early HIMYM. Forgot how much I missed it, the humor and organic culmination to a genuinely touching ending.

I really hope Carol and Karl hang out soon…

Eventually, the ol' "Hey Louis, compromise a major facet of your belief system and I promise we'll be BFFs" trick is going to stop working. Louis is too intelligent a character to be *repeatedly* manipulated with the same shallow trick.

You know, I always think I've got at least one good novel in me.

I'm just glad to have learned the word "constabulating."

Unless it's building to the long con of this all taking place in some autistic kid's head.

Same thought. If so, then so was Marshall: "This is going to be unbearable."

I agree. Awful all around. Not a single laugh (okay, Billy Zabka's "you can smoke those" quip caused me to exhale slightly stronger than normal), the single-episode story was boring, the "Barney is just like your Dad" bit was inane, the Rome choice was terrible and from the acting I'm pretty sure all the leads are

I feel like Ted's delay in telling a simple story just because he could was a perfect analogy for seasons 8&9.

But I think the fact that "there was nothing really ground breaking overall," is exactly what made BrBa so good. It told a relatively simple long-arc, but it told it extremely well on the week-to-week level. I think that also gave the writers an easier job that those with a sci-fi premise. As long as Walt did certain

Marathoning Breaking Bad in the months leading up to its conclusion ruined every other TV drama for me. Where I used to see suspense in TWD, I see lazy writers stringing their viewers along just to stretch out the seasons.

"The audience rarely gets information if Bellamy
doesn’t—and sometimes, even things he knows are withheld from viewers,
seemingly just to piss people off. " This is the Legacy of Lost. I wonder
when its influence on modern TV will finally fade, and TV shows will stop
jerking around their audience under the guise of