
Yes, the random shoe, thanks.

What was with the camera work this episode? At least three times there was a lingering shot that seemed to imply we should be noticing something but there was nothing significant in the scene. (Glen leaving the scene, a random close-up of a log in the Darryl/Beth sequence and can't remember the third). Was I imagining

First song that popped into my head when I read the page title.

Is it just me or has the writing of Raylan's dialogue been extra fantastic so far this season. Just stellar.

Trick R Treat. Just saw it for the first time and it's probably one of the best Halloween movies ever made. Great Halloween atmosphere, not gory and not too scary, but super entertaining.

I've realized that Suits is like Seinfeld in, well, suits. A bunch of selfish jerks who, upon close dissection of each as an individual, you can't really find much about them to like.
But put them in a room together and let them trade barbs and it's gold. Gold, Jerry.

I appreciate that the writers know no one follows the legalese and decided to just have Louis' final gray folder to Giannapolis be a MacGuffin. I would support more of this tactic in the future, as it frees up more time for classic movie quotes and sarcastic quips.

Definitely my favorite episode of Rachel's ass this season.

Yep. From the pilot, Suits has essentially been a fantasy series, social porn, if you will. Everyone is beautiful, charming, smart, rich, dynamic and (most importantly) somehow infinitely likable despite their (not quite deal-breaking) flaws. This is not Law & Order or an Acronym Law Show where you're supposed to

What kills it for me is that every other word is "shit," but then Mike goes and calls someone a Motha Flacka. That incongruity is just too unrealistic for me, even as I accept that Suits is pretty much a fantasy series.

1.) Someone needs to start a Suits "shit" counter.

This article was the best thing about The Lone Ranger.

Nothing from this episode really compels me to keep watching or to visit the first season, especially since I'm not a huge fan of legal dramas.

The bro vibe was indeed too much this episode, and this is coming from a dude who's usually just a few broloquialisms short of raging broner.

This show is slowly making me hate all of my previously beloved characters. It's been pointed out that Mike became something of an uber-douche over the course of last season. But now it's happening to Harvey and Donna.

How is Meredith Baxter not in this??

Mixed feelings. I was really hoping Season 3 would be less grave than all of Season 2 was, but it looks like it will be even darker. Please, no. This show doesn't work dark. Maybe throw in one "serious" episode a season, like how Full House would occasionally have an episode about the dangers of eating disorders or

I just realized that if USA picks this up and runs it with Suits, that may be the greatest 90 minutes of TV ever. They are both ompletely preposterous, yet immensely enjoyable TV. Dave's goatee plus Harvey's impeccable coiffure is a match made in TV Heaven. Play them on a Thursday night, and I will cancel all other

The zingers were back, the swagger was back, and Louis was back to being a huge asshole for no reason other than to be a huge asshole, instead of being the whiny emo grumpus he was post-Hardman's departure. Glad to see Suits back to what made it so enjoyable, instead of the depressing (if entertaining) "we just lost a