
Tell me, oh wise one, what is the statute of limitations on deceiving, victimizing, and perversly experimenting on a trusting, unwitting citizenry, as it's supposed government? What is the statute of limitations for treason?

"In general I trust the govt."

I knew two people that were involved with Mk-Ultra, in the toxicology lab at Walter Reed. My uncle, a Psychologist, who's death was also ruled a suicide, and a former boss, who had been there, and cleaned up the lab. He reported taking quart jars of LSD, & Cocaine, that summer of '72, and taking them to party with his

People like you, who think 40 years is a long time ago, are the reason governments can get away with this shit. Seriously, 40 years is waaaaaay back when. Get your head out of the sand and maybe you'll find a clue.

Too many people in this country think the way you do.

So if you do not believe the govt is infallible and is capable of an occasional abuse then why would you be upset when people want better checks and balances on the use of surveillance on its citizens? I haven't heard anyone say that the NSA should just not exist, just that they should follow the constitution and only

I think this is extremely relevant to the NSA revelations. One of the big issues around the NSA revelations are "So what, I've got nothing to hide", or other variations around "I trust the government to do the right thing". These arguments can only be persuasive if we completely ignore the past abuses of governments

Completely off topic, but the fact that James Holmes says he was in "behavioral modification programs", coupled with the fact that he went in, shoot the shit out of a bunch of people, lay down his weapons, and then walked outside to wait for authorities... just strikes me as completely fucking odd..

Slavery would have never ended had people not fought against it because it was fucking wrong. It wasn't like everybody woke up one day and was like "dude, ya know I was thinking, slavery is bad...." It took a lot of blood shed against an established power structure that used it for its own gain. Also 200 years ago is

Slavery never ended. There's still a MASSIVE trade in child and sex slavery all around the world including in america. Just because the media doesnt talk about it doesnt mean it doesnt still exist. We just swept it under the rug. Kind of like homelessness and the fact that there are hundreds of thousands, maybe even

Opinions are all fine and dandy, until we get into the realm of legality. Do I support them using domestic surveillance to catch terrorist who would cause harm to American citizens? OF COURSE I do. Are they as of right now utilizing programs that are illegal, broad and over reaching? Yes they are. So there in lay the

The reason we know about MKUltra and some of the other crimes our government has perpetrated against its own citizens is because they are so old. They don't tell you about the ones they are committing now.

Recently, the government finally admitted the existence of Area 51. It does not verify any of the alien

I, frankly, don't care that you think it's okay. Warrant less collection/seizure of data/personal information is illegal, it is expressly forbidden not only by the Constitution, but by many federal laws since 1776.
Remember the part where I talked about HOLD itself to a higher standard, not just TALK about holding

We aren't talking about the domestic NSA wiretaps, we are discussing MKUltra, and the fact that things like this are STILL on going even in this day and age.
But since you seem so intent on it, I agree giving unknowing participants LSD is by far a greater abuse than wire tapping, and for the most part domestic wire

" could a government which so prizes liberty of its citizens covertly collect data on its own people?"

Good story...think for yourself...Question authority.