
You can hear a heartbeat around 6 weeks. This law would essentially make abortion impossible because by the time you find out you’re pregnant and can schedule a doctor appointment, odds are you’re past 6 weeks. This is obscene and cannot possibly be in line with how the Supreme Court has ruled in the past.

*sigh* When are people going to understand? I mean, some do. J.K. Rowling gets it. People who work to stop gang violence get it. Cult leaders, militia leaders, and Christian fundamentalist church leaders get it (but they won’t admit it to the rest of us).

My name is Alexander Hamilton and I am waiting in the crypt for yooouuu

My name is Alexander Hamilton....Zombie Alexander Hamilton

Think we could get away with just shooting his knees off?

So a couple of things: If you and your family don’t want to live in the White House then maybe don’t run for President. Also, I know that it is normal for Secret Service to secure the president, no matter where he is staying but the idea of the US Government paying the president as part of protecting the president is

Well, it’s okay because of Obama’s golf trips, or some such nonsense.

This is objectively good. I don’t understand why people who are so against abortion because it is ‘child murder’ don’t get that the best way to stop abortions isn’t to make them illegal (have you people HEARD of Prohibition???) but rather to increase sex ed/access to condoms/etc. etc.

This comment is bad and dumb. It can be true that women who don’t wear makeup get a lot of shit and ALSO true that women who do wear makeup also get a lot of shit. This is not a “who has it worse” competition. Don’t you fucking dare decide for other women that their experience of oppression isn’t as valid as yours.

I don’t know if it’s good - if I choose to wear makeup I also don’t want to be discriminated against any more than if I choose to not wear makeup. I think that some people in my workplace have notions that women who wear makeup are not serious, or smart, or are not willing to work hard. Either way, makeup or no makeup

I didn’t wear makeup for years because of internalised misogyny, because I was a Serious Intellectual Girl who understand that beauty is only skin-deep and there are so many more important things than lipstick and this was in no way an attempt to appease the patriarchy or my reaction to being a plain girl who was

Same here. This interview was fantastic.

I love makeup. I am horrible at applying it in any fancy way. Some days I wear some, some days I don’t. I don’t care if another woman or man wears it. Though I’ve noticed if a guy is rocking makeup, he always has skills I completely envy.

This. “...and why it’s okay that that disadvantage continue.” Talking about equality is fine in the abstract for a lot of men, but the invisible -to them- advantages are so much of a landscape that they don’t even see it. They think women in their lives like to do laundry, and scrubbing toilets. They think they are


I about lost my marbles when TYT had a video the other day being all mad that Clinton supporters were talking about sexism hurting her because in their heads no liberal is sexist. Of course some liberals are sexist!

Where were the Congressional investigations on this? We wasted millions in tax payer dollars on Benghazi and emailz, but will this get the same attention? This seems a hell of a lot more disturbing.

Well God bless Wikileaks and the Russians. We got rid of that pant suit wearing devil Killary Clinton. She had an email server and she didn’t use her psychic abilities to stop the Benghazi attacks. The Lord works in mysterious ways. May the the good Lord’s favor shine on our saint of the common man Donald J. Trump.

In way less exciting news, it looks like Greg (Santino Fontana) is gonefrom Crazy Ex-Girlfriend for good.