Lesbian Jihadist sounds like the name of an intersectional feminist band. I give him points for that one.
Last year I got sucked into a reddit hole with stories told by a park ranger (?) about finding staircases in the woods that went nowhere. That series gave me soooo many nightmares and made me avoid several hiking trips.
I know I’m late to the party, but here is a truly scary story - you might say it was a matter of life and death.
I’ll never forget this charming ditty of his.
They’re fancy too!
I know I shouldn’t love Greg but he gave me my anthem “Settle for me” and for that I love him
They’re both very flawed. Team Darryl & White Josh 4 Lyfe!
I absolutely believe that Bill Clinton is, at the very least, predatory towards vulnerable women. His consensual affair with Monica Lewinsky is proof of that. But you’re missing a big chunk of nuance here. It’s not about hypocrisy, it’s about false equivalency.
I’m calling it! New punk band name: The Frantic Kegels
During an election season pelvic exam a few years ago, my gyno said of my uterus, “Hm, you seem to be leaning a little to the right.” The phrasing startled me and I blurted out, “Well, that’s the only part of me that does!” And that’s how I ended up having a political discussion with my doctor while she was wrist deep…
Listening to that Access Hollywood video about Donald Trump has made me clench so tight I am confident my uterus isn’t going anywhere.
Okay so it’s not really “gross” and I probably told this story before, but it’s still hilarious to me.
Psychology graduate here to say:
Tha fact that we even take this man seriously is proof that rape culture is alive and well. This man should be in jail and instead he may become president. THIS is why women don’t report their rapes because nobody will believe them. 1 in 3 women will be raped in their lifetime. Look around you, men. You’re…
At this point, if you even THINK about making the argument that Hillary is just as bad as Trump, please remove yourself from society and just think about what you’ve done for a while.
Whoever owned my house before me obviously didn’t change their address like anywhere. I get so much mail for them. So much junk mail. And for so many different names. I honestly sometimes just toss it because screw you previous owner guy!
Yep. Rape crosses my mind anytime I’m in a threatening situation with a male. I assume millions of women have the same reaction.
Rant: I never thought I would say this considering its Kim K, but I don’t think this was faked for “attention whoring”. Say what you will about her but my gut tells me this isn’t the kind of shit she’d lie about fur attention. Robberies DO happen, and when you consider someone of her wealth this is a reality that has…
If you’re asking whether a Christian organization is taking money from its believers, I think you already know the answer.