
And their Canadian counterpart “Asüna”

Some years after purchasing the car: “My ASS light came on, what should I do?”

Of course you can get one:

I mean if you are going to get a big truck, why not get the biggest and baddest looking one of the bunch.

I mean... they are more European than Ford or Chevy trucks.

That’s a neat looking ship too:

They are an on-demand awd system, when the rear wheels have no traction, the front ones get some power. Otherwise it’s RWD the rest of the time.

Only that the new ones don’t...

Didn’t go well last time:

The Versa S weighs 2390 lbs (1084 kg) and that is taken from Nissan’s website so I don’t know where you took the 3350 lb weight from.

Now playing

Here’s an Audi Q7 against a Fiat 500, you could say that the Q7 is actually safer than an F-150:

The Scion iA (Toyota Yaris iA) is a top safety pick and it’s only marginally bigger than a Tsuru:

No, you are the one that’s missing the point. Killing the Tsuru means that people won’t be able to get one so they will buy a safer, used car and taxi companies will be forced to get a safer car newer car too, thus reducing the number of deaths in the road.

But an actual old sentra might have rusted out at this point... The whole point of this crash test was two new cars sold at the same time, made in the same country by the same manufacturer.

How it should look:

The knock off came first in this case:

Not a huge fan of the 4 LED’s? below the headlights, I’m guessing a more basic version will look better. Other than that is a pretty vanilla looking SUV, so it should sell quite well.

And they made that Lada bodystyle untill 2010, so it can be newer than the Audi.