
Car people suck. Most of them have their craniums so far up their colon for their own particular style, brand, point of origin, etc, that they have to constantly belittle anyone/anything that doesn’t conform to their limited world. The small minority that don’t fall into the larger majority, refuse to talk to anyone

I think 1970s Mercedes set that precedent, and then nothing since has lived up to it.

The Smart ForTwo is a fun car to drive, I love how it looks, and it puts a smile on my face every time I get in one.

I think you may be right, other than the race cars of course. I for some reason thought the original 80 was RWD, but I appear to be mistaken.

Luigi only follow the Ferraris.

maybe, fuel?

youre kidding right? it looks nothing like a vette. if anything it looks like an F-Type but even thats pushing it

Is it just me, or does the image provided by McLaren in the article, have the rear tires on backwards?

Italy. They charge a couple of euro for something or other. Then again, people don’t do large tips and if something is priced at €10, that’s what it costs. It’s not €10 plus unspecified taxes plus a contribution to the wages totalling €14.70 or something.

Meh. Maserati hasn’t done much for me in a long time. They’re the least interesting Italian car these days.

110% Monaco.


This isn’t honest journalism. This is how EVERY car company shows cars avaialbe at X price. Bad headline is bad.

Fact: the only good crossover ever was the Volkswagen Golf Country!

How can you have a sad day when the Opel Speedster exists?

Fixed it for you. He was behind the wheel. He gets the finger pointed at him.

Meanwhile, a 30-something couple-he an actuarial, she an Office Depot manager-drove by in their 2015 Toyota Camry. Never exceeding the speed limit by anything that would garner attention they arrived at their unremarkable house without drama a half-hour later.

So go buy a Camry and die of beige.

This is terrifying.