Probably Should Stop Wasting My Time

Her quiet sense of humor is the only thing that makes this watchable, everyone else is a nightmare. Totally intentional on her part.

We were one digit off from the Sears Catalog pick-up store when I was a kid. We'd always get calls from people looking for their orders. After patiently explaining for a few months, Dad finally started telling them varying descriptions about why their order was lost in transit. The sidesplitting laughter that ensued

The design is a bit dated, but the senators site loads fine and is readable to me. What probably happened was that her personal site was hit with a lot of traffic after the interview went up and caused the site to load slowly or improperly.

Wasn't Son of Sam from New York?

Guide for taking private sexy pics safely from your phone:

How about not auto-uploading everything from your phone to the Cloud? Any time I get a new phone, it asks me if I want to automatically sync everything - like uploading every picture I take to Facebook. What?! NO. Are you kidding me? BAD IDEA.

a misguided attempt to discredit a person for their choices.

It is NOT a joke. Hard G-if is patently wrong and also sounds stupid. I have the guy who invented them and the guy who invented their primary home (tumblr) on my side. Who the hell do you have on yours? No one important that's who.

Did you and Gothamist obtain permission for these photographs?

You didnt pay a lot of attention in biology class, huh?

It's sooooooooooo annoying when guys sit like this. However, I wouldn't call this the worst because he's probably taking advantage of a not-so-busy subway car. Now, if this were morning rush hour L train crowded with his legs spread a part (which I've seen) then it would be truly fucking aggravating.