
It’s possible that his sudden wealth and increased isolation has been the largest contribution to his cognitive decline.

I never thought that Minecraft being bought out by a multi-billion dollar corporation would end up being a good thing.

At the name of Jesus, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that you Jesus are lord. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

“except God, who isn’t there and/or doesn’t care”

The Christian right loves to use public prayer as the loudest form of passive-aggression. Newsflash: everyone hears you loud and clear (except God, who isn’t there and/or doesn’t care).

Can she say Jesus one more time? What a fucking idiot.

Dr. Dre has a net worth of $850 million, according to the Google elves. Maybe now would be a good time for him to donate some money to her or set up a fundraising effort on her behalf. 

We have an exclusive shot of the officer in charge of this organized crime fighting operation:

It’s a slippery slope, letting these dangerous cosplayers in the country. Next thing you know they’ll be flooding the country, taking away cosplay opportunities from Malay cosplayers. Crisis averted.

“lack of emotional regulation”

Just kidding, definitely white shitkickers.

Oh calling the war in Iraq an ‘irrational conspiracy theory’ is a new one. Mildly impressed but then theres no follow through.

Oh I know, that’s why I said 100 years cause I knew you did that!

You do know “causing death” and “Terrorist attack” aren’t the same thing right? Probably not. So just so you know, there are other ways to cause death than government labeled ‘terrorist attacks.’

Clearly White supremacy, no bloody contest.

What I hate is that in public discourse our only options on Islam appear to be to be like either Trogdor or Brother Gumby in that thread.  You can be Islamophobic, or you can buy all of CAIR’s propaganda!  THERE IS NO MIDDLE GROUND!

For the evangelicals, it’s due to their crazy End Times theology which posits that Israel flourishing once again will lead to the Rapture, the rise of the Antichrist, and after years of tribulations, eventually a thousand-year reign of Christ on Earth. 🙄

Dang I’m sorry that Kinja troll Trogdor the Burner decided to show up in the comments on this article.

I’m pretty sure white supremacists are more of a threat than a refugee who happens to also be a U.S. Congresswoman. I’ll have to look it up, though.