
This times a million! *puts 3rd tin foil hat on top of it all*

Yea seeing Tom Hanks on TV the other night on SNL bragging about 220 mil that he has while mocking Donald Trump really grossed me out.

Yesterday in my local grocery shop, I stood behind a disabled woman who couldn’t afford 2 cans of spam, a box of lemon bars and generic brand soup. My friend quickly paid for it and brought it out to her, and it brought this woman who had to ask the cashier after everything was scanned what she was up to cost wise to

I am crying, I don’t even know what to do right now. I’m frantic just screaming at various monitors around the house.

I can’t unsee that small ass dong of his now, thanks.

I worked with him at 38, and I believe after being around him for a bunch of years he didn’t fake the sock. Honestly, he didn’t used to be this fucking bad; I mean he was a moron on every level - but he kept his bigotry and xenophobia out of our ears because you know, game people tend to be weirdo’s and he needed us

My thoughts exactly, had this dude been a good dad - his daughter may have not had the chance to get said dick pics.

It disgusts me that this beezy and myself share this name.

God this was perfect. Thank you.

I live in WA, and I can tell you it’s way overrated.

And forget the fact she was a speed addict throughout her life.

I absolutely love this self loathing breakdown of how I feel after listening to them!

We designed Snake Gulch in Champions online in honor of this movie, I’d love to have the bandwidth to do something similar with the Futureworld ideas.

haha, that burn needs some ice! Would that make it a cold take now?

This is exactly what they are saying. Bootstrap it up you greedy low wage fucks! /s

I loved his dad, this fucking guy though? nope!

I’m absolutely sure that there is some of that going on subconsciously.

He also employed a whole bunch of people who were transitioning and people with lifestyles he now condemns publicly; he used to call them his family. Dude is fucked in the head.

As someone who got robbed by this glatanious pile of shit, I agree! (also, sorry about that debt.)

waiting for this one to come out!! yeeeeaaaaas