
So sad. My sister works in a detox facility — people coming off alcohol need much more medical intervention and supervision than most of the worst street drugs. Definitely not something people should undertake on their own.

In defense of the trainer, dogs are often very different in the shelter vs in the home initially vs in the home 6 months later. There are dogs who completely shut down in a shelter situation who come out of their shells once they’re away from the chaotic noise and put into a home situation, or come out of their

I saw somebody put their infant (and it was an infant, not a baby or toddler) on the aisle floor at the movie theatre to change its diaper. A city movie theatre aisle. BEFORE the film. Like she didn’t want to miss the previews.  

I’m a good-looking, successful lady who has chosen a certain life for myself, one that pleases me greatly, one that deviates from the expectations of our yes PATRIARCHAL society

Lyndon Johnson would have reporters come into the bathroom with him, which was pretty low... but still managed the Great Society.

I’m between a boomer and an Xer and nobody I know has ever liked marzipan, either.

Sadly, any verdict they do reach now will be tainted because it likely will mean that one or more jurors just threw in the towel and said “Fine, guilty/not guilty - you guys win - I want to go home.” And he will use that to say “I was only convicted because the judge would not let the jury deadlock!” and everybody

Heard it on the radio this morning and thought “Wow, that singer sure sounds like Shania!” Then I thought “but it’s got to be one of those super young twink-y guys, weird that he sounds like Shania because usually they sound more like Rascal Flatts.” Later I switched to the other country station and there was Shania

Her nose looks like it’s shrinking. Did she have more work done, or with aging does the old nose just not grow along with the rest of the face?

Agree. The non-drowsy benadryl didn’t come out for ages after everybody had been taking benadryl for allergies for years and still living their lives. Not disputing that it knocks some people out (I myself get knocked out on medications other people tolerate well, even those with massive amounts of caffeine in

Waiting for the “Why I Disagree With My Dad” stories to give way to the “I Had No Idea What Jared Was Doing But Will Stand By the Father of my Children” stories followed by “Starting Over: Ivanka’s Brave New Beginnings After Saying Goodbye to the Marriage She Thought Would Last Forever.”

That courtroom artist made an interesting choice with the position of the defense attorney’s hand in drawing #2.

I know I’ve read two, but possibly 3. Read most of Anne Rice’s stuff at one point and can’t recall if it encompasses the Witching Hour. She kind of lost me when she moved to witches and mummies.

The ONLY thing that has been accomplished here, Kathy, is that you have freed Fox from spending the weekend scrambling to find other topics to discuss other than whatever today’s Friday-at-5-pm news bombshell is, because they will be wall to wall “How disgusting is the left?” starring you and your idiotic attention

The only thing Griffin is doing is handing Fox a weekend of the kind of material they excel at flogging, instead of making them flail around trying to fill their airtime with AnythingExceptWhat’sActuallyHappening.

I just started a few months ago on twitter and barely know how it works. Don’t have a bio set up, though I did manage a picture (not of me, not using real name). I follow a handful of celebs and reporters, dead historical figures like Richard III and Henry VIII, and merriam-webster. I’m up to 10 followers and

Not a parent and won’t judge what individual parents are going through with terminally ill children.

Oh, Lord - I am so old that I remember in college watching The Thorn Birds and debating whether the rumors about Richard Chamberlain being gay might conceivably be true.

I actually do think the Bull sculptor has a legitimate point, but this new guy is just an asshole.

In the photo op with Theresa May (sitting side by side in chairs) he spoke English. In the same set up with Trump, he chose to speak French. Yes it was petty, yes it was amazing.