
I haven’t been following this story with particularly rabid intensity, but it appears from the stories I have read that she left voluntarily (and yes, I know that doesn’t matter, legally, but it DOES matter in terms of whether she views herself as a victim of this guy or the world that hunted them down and split them

I was on my condo board and we decided to shake things up and meet at a local restaurant (low key, but has a bar). A board member arrived early, and rather than go in and wait, rolled down her car window to enjoy the early summer evening air and called her sister to chat. After a few minutes she hears a female Boston

Can’t wait to read this!

I was thinking Spicer should be worried, then I realized that O’Reilly is used to running his mouth from a chair a few hours a week. The closest he’s faced contradiction in his position was in the critical viewer letters he’d cherrypick and condescend to read/ sneer at. No way is he going to take any position that

My nephew lost his father at about the same age. Took him to therapy - refused to cooperate. He was polite, just wouldn’t discuss his grief. The mind is a powerful thing and if you refuse to process stuff on somebody else’s timeline, they can’t make you do it. Like my nephew, sounds like Harry was an “I’m fine, let’s

The author of the WaPo article on this tweeted that his copy desk needed a conversation with him to settle whether the feces actually was from a bull as opposed to a cow. Talk about thorough!

Anybody watching the verdict (which was everybody) knew that Kardashian thought OJ was guilty based solely on his expression when OJ was found not guilty.

I’m fine with va-jay-jay if it is used to refer to the vulva (which it usually is) as opposed to calling the vulva “vagina” which it most certainly is not. Maybe we can get the cool kids to switch it to va-vulva?

Jezebel always has the BEST nonfiction history book recommendations. Love the interview, can’t wait to read the book!

So sorry to hear this. Hope he’s playing basketball with Prince again soon.

The problem is that legalized prostitution brings regulations and bureaucracy. And some countries that have legalized prostitution have learned that it’s the criminal enterprises that can afford to meet all the regulations (because your profit margin is quite large when you’ve confiscated your “employees’” passports

They rather artfully managed to rehash all the allegations in the apology/retraction. Nicely done.

What’s with the slug shaming?

Oooh, dress historians on instagram? Do tell.

Oooh, this looks good!

What’s with the breathy submissive voice? She’s been in the public eye for years. She has a great public speaking voice - deep, resonant. Now all of a sudden she’s demure?

What struck me was the new breathy girly voice. She’s been in the public eye for years. We know what she sounds like. She has a deep, resonant speaking voice — suddenly she’s auditioning the new, demure, would-never-dream-of-dining-alone-with-Mike-Pence voice?

Now we know why Kanye made that Trump Tower visit.

There will be cheating. There are always cheaters. Mascara on the lashes, braces for the teeth... just wait. The behind the scenes scandals will come out!

People who actively wash their legs/feet daily are probably the same people who use paper towels to open the ladies’ room door, then throw the paper towel to the floor.