
A couple of scenarios not covered by the “zombies vs earthquakes” scenarios. Years (hell, decades, I guess) ago, there was an Oprah show about our society’s vulnerabilities when it came to just surviving at home for a week or two with no actual civil emergency, but a major civil disruption.

Hikers also know that tampons make excellent firestarters!

That kind of rigid policy tells me that either there’s already a history of cheating that she knows about, or a lot of ostentatious overcompensating in order to deflect attention away from current/future cheating. “Why I don’t even so much as have a conversation with a woman other than my wife without a chaperone

Yeah, I think I’ve read every single King book (no matter how long) but couldn’t finish the first Dark Tower, which was just a little slip of a thing.

I’d start with the novella The Body (made into the movie Stand by Me) and for a longer work, either The Stand or 11-22-63 for a longer work that will suck you in without an excess of stereotypical horror stuff, if you’re leery of it. Oh, and get the shorter version of The Stand — they did an “author edit” expanded

I think when he was drinking she probably protected him a lot. Not that she didn’t have her own drama going on. But she didn’t forget that he backed her when she needed it. I don’t really follow the Fresh Prince behind the scenes drama — does everybody else get along? Because if so, maybe it’s just Aunt Viv. It’s

The Brady Bunch wasn’t supposed to be about the kids, Happy Days wasn’t supposed to be about Fonzie, and Good Times was supposed to be Esther Rolle’s show. Yes, it does happen a lot, but when the TITLE of the show is the name of a person or character, it’s a bit weirder for co-stars to get huffy about being

The Fresh Prince’s Auntie in Bel Air show running in her mind must have been awesome.

Remember that case a few years ago where this guy was going door to door offering GYN exams... and a surprising number of women said “excellent! Come right in!”? Probably some overlap there.

Watergate took TWO YEARS of daily revelations from the press and denials by the White House. Three DAYS after the June break-in Woodward reported that one of the burglars had Howard Hunt’s phone number in his book AND checks on his person from Hunt. The Hearings/Special Prosecutor don’t start until the following May.

Don’t really care about cockroaches. but I call dibs on “Genital Ablation” for a band name.

When I was kid it was weird watching conservative women applauding their young kids doing Village People songs/routines.

A commentator on CNN said it was “brave” for Trump/Ryan to “walk away and live to fight another day.” No, they ran away screaming like the panicked sore losers they are. Checkmate is imminent, they knock the pieces off the board.

You know, this ties in with the Vigilance piece yesterday — women are “more put together and pretty capable of defending themselves violently” because we’ve actually been running these drills mentally our entire lives — the quickest way out that doesn’t end in a dead end, what’s at hand to fend him off if I can’t get

I work in a hospital where a doctor was actually assassinated — same here. It is likely going to be a disgruntled patient or employee, and historically speaking it’s the white men who go postal (remember that quaint expression for workplace murder?)

Wait - if the coaches are outside the school on a ballfield, or whatever, they’re supposed to bring the kids back inside where there’s a shooter? (Okay, I guess I get it if there’s somebody outside shooting and cover is close, but an indoor shooter? Run for your lives, kids!)

Well, now I’ve definitely got something other than the health care vote to think about on my commute home.

I remember when debit cards came out, all I could think was “um, isn’t this how they wrested financial independence from women in The Handmaid’s Tale?” And when I see a woman in front of me in line struggling to get her card recognized for whatever glitchy reason, I STILL think of this book, every.single.time.

This means serious bonus cash for Burruss and Cottle without having had to do a thing after the fact.

Better hope that one of them is not the only witness to back YOU up if you find yourself in court, even as a victim. Sure, he may have seen who mugged you/raped your family member/assaulted a police officer, but he won’t be showing up to say so.