
It sucks when every member of your family has been robbed of hundreds of thousands of dollars of jewelry/cash in the past 5 years. Must be bad luck.

The former monarchies of Europe have tons of history and old castles and make nowhere near the bucks (or pounds) that the Brits do.

If you join the class action suit, just be sure to cash the check when it comes (no matter how small) because otherwise somewhere down the line your heirs will find your name on an unclaimed money list and find out it was vibrator money.

Will there be store birthday cake from the birthday girl’s mother even though it’s not her birthday?

on a YACHT?

Oh please oh please oh please let us have another Christmas in the Berkshires starring Dorinda’s decorations!

I like his music well enough when I hear it in passing and I’ve enjoyed him in movies and SNL so I never really got the push back against him. Then he decided to work with Woody Allen, so that’s when he lost me.

Some kind of semaphore-like signalling to Moscow? One piece of tape for “All is well,” two pieces of tape for “Send help”?

This was my experience, too — small Boston suburb, pretty evenly divided in thirds between Protestants, Catholics, and Jews. Had no idea Jews or Catholics were minorities elsewhere.

Thank you for this. To be honest, I only remembered “sugar tits” and that he said ugly things to his girlfriend that were recorded. Maybe it was just so vile I blocked that memory out.

The tears mean that right up to sentencing, they still thought it was all good clean fun, the kind that any jury of their peers would be fine with.

When it comes to Peter Fonda’s brilliance, was there a typo, or did they measure IQ differently in the 60s? An IQ of 100 is hardly dazzling.

OMG - does this mean the Black Bill Gates has lost his money?

All the better to meet with the kind of people who might be recognized/photographed going into a prominent city hotel?

Please oh please let him go after the SEALS now.

I was hoping for that BEFORE the inauguration, when he first was scheduled to get briefings — thought perhaps he’d swallow the bait and there’d be evidence before he was sworn in. Of course he blew off the meetings. Sigh.

Don’t know if this is national or a Massachusetts thing, but when there are union strikes around here, they always roll out a gigantic (?inflatable?) rat. Perhaps someone makes a gigantic grizzly?

I used to show dogs — I don’t know what current infamy Shibas enjoy, but they’re not particularly pleasant or engaging dogs (except to their own people).

A couple of years ago didn’t one of the kids/grandkids “kidnap” Katherine and Paris started tweeting like crazy until they brought her back? Not sure if this was the guy in charge of her and the money at the time and they tried to get her away from him, or whether he was the “solution” put in place after that

Without spoiling anything... maybe the readers HATED the ending of the series and therefore sales of the books could never translate into enthusiasm for the movies, PARTICULARLY the last one.