Gabby Gabriella

I also managed a Haunted Blockbuster. Like, working there was scary enough without the weirdness with the video cameras and the footsteps I could clearly hear on the stairs when I was up in the Managers office alone. There was a lot of jumping out of my seat to throw the door open and catch whoever was on the steps

This may not qualify but it was pretty terrifying at the time.

I have two stories, but I'll type the shorter one for now.

Back when I was in college, I was doing a lot of online dating due to my criminally vulgar shyness. I had been talking to this one girl for a few days and even though she had two strikes against her (American Idol and tanning,) I decided to at least meet her for coffee one Thursday night. She was supposed to call when

This happened to a family friend of mine. I like this story a lot, because although it does involve ghosts, it makes me fear them less.