I don’t think this has much to do with the tired old “kids these days entitled generation” argument (which is super problematic for about 50 different reasons) and more to do with white privilege.
I’ve played through the plotline twice.
***SPOILERS, though I’m goddamn tired of having to say that in an article that discusses plot points***
The Baron is primarily at fault; true enough, his wife cheated on him, but he was -constantly- away, and when he wasn’t away, he was piss-drunk.
I say this as a military…
Bethesda’s strength has always been filling out the background lore, not scripting a foreground story. If you’re looking to play the Legendary Hero on a Grand Quest then Bethesda’s a rocky bet. If, on the other hand, you want to be the scavenger/explorer who delves into the nooks and crannies of his world, then…
Well for one the cheap wine people didn’t just write a goddamn novella telling you how wrong you are.
Well, older people always feel that way about young people; as long as there has been writing, older people have been writing some variation of this. Hell, it might be true and human history has just been an unbroken line of increasing softness since Australopithecus. I remember when my generation didn’t know the…
The parts where she sounds like an academic are... not great. The parts where she writes in her actual voice make me want to get a beer with her so we can disagree amicably in person.
Awesome comment. I agree and yes, in a perfect world we would all be free to wear whatever we wanted without the influences of the fashion industry. I think the best we can do is support one another with what makes them the most comfortable.
You make some great points. I didn’t articulate mine very well. What I was trying to say is that men are largely allowed to dress in ways they chose, so why should feminists be required to wear some kind of “uniform” or risk being labeled conforming to beauty standards? The original poster was questioning why…
Interesting topic. I think at its root, feminism is about choice. There are those of us who buy in to fashion and those of us who don’t. There isn’t one “model” of feminism. Am I less of a feminist because I chose to dye my hair and wear makeup? Am I less of a feminist because I chose to wear nice fitting clothes?
1. They make decaf that tastes just like the real thing.
Her work. Hiromu Arakawa is a woman.
I love to bring the salt out of the grays from time to time.
Rape is some serious shit. I wouldn’t make the joke “lol, he’s going to get raped.”
“I’d rather take a contested shot than an open shot any day .”