
I don’t like most couture because their function as an art form is to impress rich people who can afford to be impressed by a bunch of non-functional clothing but I really like this. They’re neat looking.

You realize that the top university in the entire world are in the USA right? That’s not subjective statement. That’s an objective fact and it isn’t even close in terms numbers of respectable and important schools.

Lol—using the term ‘Caucasians’ as term originally used by racist German scholar to define what he saw as the pure and superior white race (which is wholly based on phenotype and because he like how the skulls of the people from the Caucasus mountains looked) to define an ancient people who were as diverse as modern

Yay, crazy Batman’s back and self-serious Batman is taking a nap. Honestly love most of the stuff I’m seeing from the Gordon Batman—it’s fun.

Yes but I don’t think this is much more than a guerilla resistance—from the first issue at least—a lot of asymmetrical warfare going on.

Mate, America was up in Afghanistan for longer.

You’ve literally just described Star Trek (at least Next Generation—though I’d argue the Original Series as well) but without aliens. Character study? Check—the cast of the enterprise and the dynamics of the characters were the key components to the show success. Not trying to an epic? Check. Episodic formats make it

So it was rehashing old tropes instead of forging new story pathways? Sounds distinctively non-innovative.

I think for most people it was—I came to it late and was semi-spoiled by it’s raving cult members. I think I would found it more enjoyable if I watched it afterschool without the influence of the Internet like I did Star Trek.

Then again Han Solo is basically a cowboy.

It might be because Firefly wasn’t really innovative? Star Wars was released (1977) and was definitely influenced heavily by Westerns and Space Westerns was already an established a decade before that. Firefly was a lot of things but innovative? Nah. A fun derivative space opera (who relies on Chinese words but not

This is the reason why intersectionality was created. The patriarchy has positive and negative effects on all men but does not effective all men the same. Black men in America for instance are more likely to be shot than white men because their masculinity is seen as monstrous. East Asian men are more likely to hit a

The African slave trade transported about 11 million people from Africa to the Americas. When we times that by ten thousand we get the number of 110,000,000,000—or 110 billion people, or 15.7 more people than we have now on planet earth so either there was some kind of unheard of Slavic holocaust in the Middle East or

This idea that we’ve only gotten ‘richer’ in any meaning of the term is just so ahistorical it makes my head hurt. There’s a reason most historians reject Whig historiography—because it’s mostly unfounded hogwash. Lets look at colonialism of the the last 500 years which saw multiply acts of genocide (both cultural,

Let’s just say the recent Truth and Reconciliation Commission was paid for by money sued from the Government for the treatment at the hands of the said Government, specifically the 100 year long tradition of residential school systems (compare to say the South African commission which was paid for in full by the

As a person who mainly reads and play science fiction rather than watch it can you point to the shows that it might have influenced? Because for a very long time I feel like television shows, or movies for that matter, have gone away from space operas to more grounded dramas—shows like Fringe and Orphan Black. I don’t

What? I quote here ‘I don’t like to kowtow to people who bully or threaten their way in’. The context of that sentence makes it’s pretty clear he’s taking about the former definition not the latter.

First I want to apologize coming-on strong and being rude. There was really no reason for that at all.

I think Longshadow was okay, despite being another instance of a Magical Indian and being partially based of a character name Apache Chief (who if you remember from the Super Friends TV show was basically what white thought of First Nation people)—he was also a minor, minor character on that show. But that’s not what

Not mention the power the superhero suits have symbols and story tools. There is something inherently interesting when a black man is representing the ideals of America despite the history and current political, and economic climate for black people. There is something inherently interesting about a women dying of