
I don’t like most couture because their function as an art form is to impress rich people who can afford to be impressed by a bunch of non-functional clothing but I really like this. They’re neat looking.

You realize that the top university in the entire world are in the USA right? That’s not subjective statement. That’s an objective fact and it isn’t even close in terms numbers of respectable and important schools.

Lol—using the term ‘Caucasians’ as term originally used by racist German scholar to define what he saw as the pure and superior white race (which is wholly based on phenotype and because he like how the skulls of the people from the Caucasus mountains looked) to define an ancient people who were as diverse as modern

Yes but I don’t think this is much more than a guerilla resistance—from the first issue at least—a lot of asymmetrical warfare going on.

Mate, America was up in Afghanistan for longer.

This is the reason why intersectionality was created. The patriarchy has positive and negative effects on all men but does not effective all men the same. Black men in America for instance are more likely to be shot than white men because their masculinity is seen as monstrous. East Asian men are more likely to hit a

This became very long. The TL;DR is ‘no, the current form of feminism will never address the disenfranchised, though neither did any of the past feminist waves’.

I agree with you fully. Men in this situation, as general trend, get to dress in ways that make them feel comfortable, and women, as a general trend, dress in ways, because of the pressure of society at large, that make men feel comfortable. The dream is everybody can dress however they damn well please and not be

Is it though? Gender-coded dressing is the one the most obvious and all encompassing ways in which the patriarchy enforces binary gender norms, and for kids and teenagers, formal settings, and other places in social behaviour is more highly scrutinized the consequences can be deadly. Cross-dressers for instance are

That’s not completely true. A teenage boy wearing a dress to school? Guaranteed hashing, abuse, etc. Wearing noticeable make-up? Same deal. Formal wear as well, I can’t for instance show up to a interview in a causal-formal flattering skirt and blouse, whereas a women wearing a pants suit is completely fine. The

Yeah it was a shitty rotation/defensive decision.

Uh, okay? Wasn’t really arguing anything else. He got shook, so did the Hawk behind him.

I think he thought James was going to pass to the man he was guarding. Not jumping out of the way.

Not going to lie the best part of the first season for me was the main cast and setting. It had that southern Gothic feel going for it, and much of time it felt like I was watching a horror show because how creepy the cinematography made Louisiana feel. I feel like if the cast is up to it (and I think Farrell and


Can you guys just do a giant think piece about writing in hip-hop? And I mean just the writing because I feel like this guy get’s it and so should everyone else—hip-hop writing is one of the most overlooked forms of literature in the 21 century despite being everywhere.

I rarely attempt to ‘relationship’ because I think I’m simply not build for it. I don’t give a shit about all the petty nonsense I see my parents and friends deal with in there relationship. The little jealousies, the inane small talk in which people say nothing of value or only speak about base gossip. Frankly it’d

The concept of youth is debated with various academic circles but for what’s it worth my Sociology of Youth class defined youth from 11-25 and various sub-categories in-between.

Link? Because that sounds like a shit study that doesn’t understand that cultural products like video games reflect the culture that produces it, and for some of those cultural products, reinforce it, but really doesn’t create it.