
Right? After all 50 thousand dollars is a small price to pay for proprietary DNA samples from 100 randomly selected top students with an emphasis on genetic diversity making the New York City school system a better place.

You mean the mentor with whom Malcolm parted ways precisely because he found out that sexual misconduct? That is one of the key reasons he left the Nation of Islam. He interviewed the women directly and chose to believe their word over that of his leader, prophet, and mentor —a man for whom he'd previously been

And what? Martin Luther King wasn't the "good" black man who was anti-violence, compared to Malcolm X as a "bad" black man who spoke of change by any means necessary. That's a horribly reductive way to think of either man.

Look closer, that's weirdly just two steps.

As a Knicks fan I have watched this basketball renaissance in Philly with great envy.

I'm happy to have been of service, and I appreciate the discourse.

Hmmm. I don't agree with that. I'm not a history teacher either, but I did originally take a history degree, not that this means I know for sure about all this since it wasn't my area. But it does come from A de Tocqueville originally, and he used it in the way mentioned above- as so many things about America being


Always highlight (lowlight) truthers.

I can see why they're doing this, what has a black man ever done for Chelsea?

That's backwards. We ain't you because we hate you.

I mean, to be fair, Judith Butler's prose IS unapproachable and overly dense. But so is Derrida's. So is Deleuze and Guattari. So is so much of what is beloved in theory circles, particularly by men. (I have yet to meet a single female student who has anywhere near the enthusiasm for Derrida as like...half the dudes I

Amen. And don't even get me started on the time that a philosophy student told me that Judith Butler's prose was "unreadable" and that "it was too dense to get through" and I'm like YOU WORK ON MOTHERFUCKING HEGEL.

with some incident or another involving the London club's fans seeming to pop off every season.

I think it comes more from the Philosophy side than the Comparative Literature side, but Comparative Literature is a rather misleading is comparative because it often involves working in multiple languages simultaneously (most programs require at least 2 foreign languages, one of which one must be fluent in

Westbrook shot 57% from the floor and 5 for 9 from the 3 point line and was the best and most exciting player in the game. He was the no doubt MVP. Not even close.

I'm not super invested in this question but...shoot, I'll give it a go. Is it that she's "amazing at it" or is that she fits into a very narrow definition of attractive more than most?

Every single time. Fuck you highlight truthers you're the worst

Excellent piece, thank you. Pedant's addition: in some of Marx's earliest writings, he anticipated brand ambassadors. From the 1844 Manuscripts:

I wouldn't blame the crew in Toronto, it's been a while since they saw a good goal.