
Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man.

Did someone leave the cake out in the rain??

Buckingham harmonies with Christine are the best.

You don't need a quadrophonic Blaupunkt…what you need is a curveball!


all with that fuckin' Henley smirk on his fuckin' Henley face…fuck

He was Moon's unit.

for those too young or who don't remember, the tri-gatefold of the original vinyl GYBR had illustrations and lyrics printed for each song. the one of Elton swiggin' from a bottle was, as stated above, for Social Disease and the tat design, of course, for Saturday Night's…

10 days in Ireland coming up…Dublin, Derry and the family's home in Mayo. Sláinte!

Matthew Perry. of course, I get, 'you look like Chandler!' so it sucks even worse…

It's fucking Christal! Everything else is piss.

played pretty real for me. Texas is a big state…

producer: "hey, who wants to to carry Neko in for this tiny desk concert?"

Let It Be / Tim / Pleased To Meet Me