
If the water were actually defying gravity, it would accelerate upwards 9.8m/s^2 faster than it is in the video. I call shennanigans.

Can we get an article that discusses the many faults of this game, which received universal critical acclaim on release but deserves a bit more scrutiny? The story was terrible and the community that follows MGS closely has largely agreed that a final act was completely cut from the game. There are essentially no boss

ugh no thanks. this game’s story was just the worst, and it honestly pissed me off how its second half basically tasked you with replaying all of the first half’s story missions, with most of the cutscenes tying it together being simple re-plays of cutscenes from the first half. for a game with such depth, it seems so

Stop being such a baby, Fahey. You know what happens in the future when something like this happens to you, right?

Then you chose poorly.