Nathaniel Light

Thank you, Perd Hapley

Maybe it's time to send Rolling Stone magazine out to get to the bottom of this shit.

I love a nice tie-scorer.

What do the numbers on toasters mean?

Hockey, dude. Fucking. Hockey. Nothing better.

Madison Bumgarner is a living continuation of Gary Paulsen's Hatchet series.

I can't believe Bernier had no clue who Nelson Mandela was. At this point, who hasn't seen Shawshank or The Dark Knight?

Did he also do the 'Hands up, no fumble recovery' gesture on purpose? I mean, I'm all in favor of the 'HUDS' gestures and the 'I Can't Breathe's', anywhere, anytime. But it's not helping the cause if you let a fumble roll through your legs while trying to celebrate and mourn, all at the same time.

Hey Jesus, thank you for sharing man. I very recently got out of a long-term relationship and this really hit home. It's a good reminder to keep moving forward, try new things, and keep the chin up. Good stuff.

Aw. We could've had something fun here.

"Murderers" better yet.

It got lost in editing but the "Best Chromebook for the guy that doesn't get why someone needs a chrome book" is "Don't buy a Chromebook." I hope that helps.

I love Killer Mike too but he lost me quickly with "riots are the voice of the unheard." That's some bullshit right there.

True, but you also get looting when there is a blackout of a city or area, when a sports team wins a playoff or championship or a game in the tourney. So, yeah, I think whenever is applicable. As for the other, I concur, and honestly I dont understand why he didn't use a taser, but I wasn't there and neither were

It's a reference to Galileo, who didn't give a shit that religious zealots thought the sun revolved around the earth, because they're simple mindedness wasn't going to change the irrefutable fact that that the earth revolved around the sun. (and yes it was a west wing episode too)


Nickleback came into my bar long, long ago. This was when they were big, but not quite huge yet. So they played in towns with 5000 seat arenas like good old Binghamton NY.

You have to realize that rape isn't about whether or not a guy can get laid easily, right?

"These woods over here?"

Georida....imagine the young athletes.....and it'd also look a bit like a cocknballs when turned on its side.