Lipo me into a Pnina Tornai, George, I want to look like a SPACE SEX PRINCESS for my marriage vows.
Lipo me into a Pnina Tornai, George, I want to look like a SPACE SEX PRINCESS for my marriage vows.
It is a TOTAL guilty pleasure of mine. I hate myself for watching every single episode, and yet I’m delighted to have several eps to flip to every Sunday morning. Sigh. I feel confident, however, that the SOS show is a bridge too far for me. What a relief!
SYTTD is pure comedy gold show.
If Nick Bakay isn’t involved, I’m out.
Where’s Salem tho
I feel you. I was for Obama in 08 and felt like HRC supporters didn’t appreciate as a woman I wasn’t all rah rah for her. Now this time around, I like Bernie, but am leaning more for Hillary (her time as Sec. of State made me see her in a new light) but I HATE this sexism from both candidates followers. I really,…
Pretty horrible, but sums up what many Hilary supporters believe. Somehow because I’m a woman I should be voting for Hilary because she’s one as well. Or I’m sexist because I don’t vote for Hilary. Everyone wants to talk about BernieBros, but Clinton supporters are just as bad (if not worse) when it comes to these…
The onus should, of course, be on the prosecution: what evidence is there that he did?
YES! When my partner and I were watching it, I paused it right there and had a 10 minute rant about that exact line. Reasonable doubt is for EVERYONE, even people who are guilty.
His own lawyer enraged me more than anyone. And that private investigator. They were responsible to this poor kid and they threw him to the wolves.
I was also disgusted by the prosecutor’s “reasonable doubt is for innocent people”.
Ten years into his sentence, hoping he could go home and have a family some day, wrecked me. I was sobbing and felt as though I was hit by a truck.
Poor kid, just wants to go home and watch wrestlemania
Watch the documentary. Then read Kratz’s response to it, and you’ll see how empty the criticism of it is. Also, the filmers were working on this project loooong before it was picked up by Netflix.
I think the vast majority aren’t really saying if he’s guilty or innocent but that he quite obviously didn’t receive a fair trial. Without question, his nephew didn’t. If you can watch the nephew’s confession tapes and not feel gutted at how the system can railroad somebody, you simply aren’t human.
I find it really hard to comprehend the evil that was done to Brendan Dassey. I definitely was involved and emotional watching the series but I broke down in tears seeing the footage of him from this year, ten years into his sentence. The men who interrogated him, not to mention the prosecution are evil incarnate.…
I do think Avery should have been found not guilty. I’m not completely sure if he is innocent but I am 100% certain that Brendan is. Oh my god, my heart was breaking for that poor boy. He just wants to play his videogames!