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    So this is whAt people do at work now? Ok , the left claims Trump’s speech was to dark, it’s because they live a fantasy land and worry bout Pokemon ! So this is how we fix America,o h wait there is nothing wrong In america because we can play Pokemon at work during a speech about Isis! Perfect, I hope CNN fires this

    Your a pig! And your daughter is going to grow up in fear if this lady is elected! To vote for this lady says alot about you!

    You are ignorant! If you vote for hillary!

    You are gullible, Hillary would say anything to voters to win their votes, and I’m seeing how gullible most black voters are. They believe all she says, do some research and you will see I’m right!

    I understand that the black panthers are racist!! And I wouldn’t want to be a cop in the inner city! So I guess that makes me a privileged white male. My middle finger goes up to you!

    Wow do you understand black men are mostly being killed by other black men? Do you want to be judged by others based on Mike Brown? Be proud of being black, you should be! But make no mistake you need to fix things in your communities! I’m a white guy and I can’t believe how the black community attacks itself from

    I’m sure you believe your own bullcrap! When the afroamerican starts to talk about why they kill each other over nothing, and why most of the men in their communities walk away from their children, maybe they will have more sympathy. Call me a racist I don’t care, I think all life matters not just one race!

    Racism will never end because most people on both sides thrive on it! Look in the mirror and ask yourself if you help the cause?? Divide us is all I see nowadays! Who wins?? Nobody