
It’s definitely a top ten episode for me. The B-plot with the kid who takes the plane never fails to make me laugh out loud.

Gulager, not Gallagher?! What kind of name is Gulager!?

Huntin’ down people who don’t pay their tabs.

I’ve been to Nashville. I’ve had the coffee soda. It is terrible. Do not drink it.


Like a hooker with urine in her bladder.

Every Twitter story I read just reaffirms my hatred of Twitter and all who dwell within Twitter.

Okay, dum-dum.

I dont think Sensitive Joss Whedon has anything to do with this one.

Nope, just you.

Where exactly is this “limp dicked defense of Apple” you seem to have made up out of thin air? Do I even know you? Leave me the fuck alone, loser.

Where exactly is this “limp dicked defense of Apple” you seem to have made up out of thin air? Do I even know you?

What the fuck are you even talking about? Good god, you’re a moron.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Good god, you’re a moron.

Right around the time he said “Moose and Squirrel!” in a German accent. That’s when he retired.

The fuck did llamas ever do to you?

They did that in 2016. All those Trump signs.

No. No I am not. I’m simply saying that one word has a lot more history behind it than the other.

I don’t care much for the word (well, the way it’s used in America at least), but no. It is nowhere near the n-word. Because you can say that word, and you still have to use ‘the n-word’ when talking about that word.

You seem like an angry little man.

You seem like an angry little man.

I thought Kong Skull Island was a lot of fun. A good B movie that gave us a ton of action. Which is the opposite of Godzilla, which took itself too seriously and Godzilla hardly made an appearance.

The news story is all fine and good, but do we always need to see the lame jokey responses from the third rate Twitter comedians?