I’m torn. I’ve always wanted to check this out because I love the art direction, but I hate other people.
I’m torn. I’ve always wanted to check this out because I love the art direction, but I hate other people.
Still no nightmare matchmaking huh? Honestly, the excuse for not having it in the last one never held water, and it still doesnt now.
I feel I could save them $3400 just by having the chef tell them that Vader is Luke’s dad or that Verbal Kent is Keyser Soze.
This seems a lot like when JK Rowling decided Dumbledore was gay but didn’t tell anyone until years later and it’s never really referenced in the books.
Please forgive — I’m terrible at Kinja. I can’t speak for her, so I won’t, but I can say that the world of child psychiatry is a nebulous one. Very little research has been done and there are very few well-trained child psychiatrists (and they take gigs in Midtown Manhattan, not forensic facilities). As such, it isn’t…
I guarantee that not once in his life has this guy said the word “woman” without a sarcastic tone.
Y’all trying to fuck up this lady’s money. Let her get paid.
And not a word about the special forces troops killed in Niger. Why? Because he’s too lacking in rudimentary attention span skills to do his job.
I appreciate the kind words. Thank you. I love what I do and I know that my colleagues feel the same (or we wouldn’t be in this clusterfuck that is mental health). But homegirl isn’t legit psychotic.
In the weeks since Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, you will have no doubt seen some variation of the words…
He’s the endpoint of what our society has worshiped for at least fifty years. Big aggressive rich asshole white guy who loved guns and abusing others.
Preferred not to imagine this. A sex worker alleges that the Vegas shooter enjoyed rape fantasies, “aggressive and violent sex.”
Medicine doesn’t fix this, sorry.
My issue is that those who are ill usually cannot plan a crime like this. While I specialize in personality disorders (people who can do this kind of stuff), I’ve done plenty of work in the SCZ community — there are no plans like this. Let’s not blame poor education or mental illness for these things. This is nurture,…
I think “up to” means if she actually does start to recover and shows remorse, as well as being deemed no longer a threat, she might be moved into outpatient treatment, etc. The 40 years is to ensure she isn’t just zonked on Thorazine for five years or so and then released.
She is a danger to herself and society, until that is under control she needs to stay somewhere safe.
My half-elf druid started out as a lawful neutral, but gradually fell to true neutral as the story developed to be one of the members in the party (a chaotic neutral elven necromancer) killed my druid’s last surviving family member and burned down the forest we lived in. And was also the same asshole that kept trying…
Funniest thing about this site is that you can form a cogent, thoughtful retort to an article or opinion and get no response, yet make a petty remark about someone’s fit and you get an instantaneous response lol