
Ditto! Every piece of DLC is worth every penny. I can't say that about any other game franchise.

None of your points detract from the current headline. Stop being so argumentative.

You'll get there, and it'll be worth it. Honestly, playing can be more educational than the YouTubers, and I recommend the new tutorial that they added (you play as a Spaniard, I think?). It's not comprehensive, but it does introduce you to a LOT. The smaller things are the hardest to figure out, stuff like troop

I started playing this yesterday because of all the buzz here in Kotaku and, my god, is it confusing. The tutorials are terrible. Making a simple action is difficult (Embark troops! Embark! Get on the f"#$% boat. I want the Canaries!). Knowing the consequences of that action even more. I mean, what kind of game

Yeah, that's unfortunate, but considering there's the one guy working on the converter, they could use a little slack.

What annoys me most is that old converted saves do not work at all in the last update of EU4

Paradox is about the only company that can keep putting out DLC until the end of time, and I'll just keeping buying. This sounds amazing and now I can't wait until they unveil their next Europa Universalis IV expansion.