
I mean, it’s the core concept of the game.

This is probably to make households buy multiple consoles. My wife also wants to play, so I might have to get a second switch for that purpose...

It’s not circumventing the rules. It’s people playing the game the way they want to play it. My girlfriend and I played a ton of new leaf but I sure as heck didn’t want to share a town with her. I wanted to design my town my way and she hers. 

It really should be stressed more that fackin POKEMON on Switch lets you have multiple save files. For the first time. And Animal Crossing can’t do it suddenly?

Things might change with the different setting, but in New Leaf, the town was pretty dead late night/early morning. I THINK you could set an ordnance that had them open later at night/earlier in the morning, but no idea if that will be in this game at all.

Other times you feel like playing at 2am, but because the game operates in real time, most of the villagers are asleep and all the shops are closed.”

It’s so fucking stupid. I was so excited for this game but now I literally cannot make my own island because my switch is shared. Not even gonna touch the game. 

This is unreasonable, and the only reason I can think that they would do this, is if those items people would cheat to get have actual value.

Man nintendo has been doing some real duds so far this year. The whole pokemon SwSh, pokemon home, debateably smash bros and now this.

Oops, I guess by treating it as a single-player game with my own town I was playing it wrong all along! I definitely don't like AC because I didn't want my siblings taking the fossils or chopping down my trees! 

I find crappy game design to be crappy game design regardless of how long ago it began. Now that the Switch has built in infrastructure to separate save files by profile there is no good reason, other than “they wanna“ for forcing all profiles to share the same save data.

This is pretty seriously boneheaded. What the hell are they thinking?

That’s what 35+ years of consumer goodwill and quality game design buys you.

The switch is a portable console. Portable things get broken more often. Trapping your game that you may have spent hundreds of hours in on the physical console in 2020 is completely absurd and any other publisher or console maker that did it would be roasted over an open flame.

Yes, all players on one console share an island. This may be also why you can’t transfer as they couldn’t figure a workaround for the fact that multiple accounts would be living attached to the same save file.

I still don’t know why it doesn’t have multiple save files in the first place as that would solve the problem

And Nintendo wonders why people want to jailbreak their consoles...

The 80s was arguably better than the 90s.

It's like music. Everybody forgets all the sh!t that came out in the "classic" years and just pretends like the only thing on the radio at the time was The Beatles.

Well, The WiiU version probably didn't do as well as what the devs thought it would, every dev seems to think that an enhanced port of a game will sell like hot cakes on the Wiiu.

Those are impressive measurements. I think she would still be considered impressively beautiful, because to have a waist that small with those kinds of curves...that's really rare. I am 31, 23, 35. I am often told I'm an "old fashioned beauty." It can either be a genuine compliment or a veiled insult...right?