
Thats just a Crown Vic though.

Given that we barely made it out of the 20th century without blowing ourselves to hell and back, I think the mass extinction we should be most concerned about preventing is our own.

Those make me think of the demolition charge canisters from the first and second terminator films.

Okay, Forgive me if my math is waaaaaaay off on this, I never claimed to be a weapons engineer. Hiroshima's "Little Boy" bomb had a maximum estimate yield of 18 Kilotons. That multiplied by 100 is 1800 kt or 1.8 Megatons. My question is, if such a small number could cause such a vast change, why didn't we all starve

I hope so, I still have a Touch Pro 2.

I don't even like alcohol and I think this is pure genius. Then again, You should probably be wary of anything a machine dressed as Raoul Duke gives you to drink.

I suppose this is new given that it seems you will be able to purchase and replace the sole yourself, but otherwise you can find someplace that will put a new sole on your shoe or boot. Just had it done with my four year old danners.

The question is..What kind of life?

What they didn't say is that soon after activation the device started sucking up communication satellites so it could make a call to Gary Oldman.

Yeah I'm not visiting the site anymore, I'm just using Yippayap as a whitenoise replacement, and going on engadget for my tech news.

I think you should get all the staff together and have a think about what you want Gizmodo to be about, what is the core theme. Perhaps write a new Ethos for the company (not the whole of Gawker, just Gizmodo) Make a content checklist, if an article doesn't match whats on the checklist, its not meant to be on Gizmodo.

The project was not a great success. Going over budget by more than 100% is ridiculous and I would say makes this a practical success but a financial failure. Also, who would just install part of a bridge?

There are 614 results for "Angry computer woman" on Shutterstock. There are 748 results for "Angry computer man" on the same site. The images are basically the same, just with a man. I therefore don't see any inequality in the whole subject.


Well this is awkward. We both wore the same thing to the party.

Thank you for that, I was thinking it was a little odd that he could write an article completely bashing the Soviet space plan despite the fact that throughout the 50's and early 60's the Soviets were well ahead of the Americans. The point about Soyuz is also very valid.

@Iota Remembers the Snowlamo: I beg to differ, an unmanned spaceflight is far more complex than flying a drone around an airfield.

I think its awesome that the Soviets did this with Buran was back in 1988, and that was an actual space vehicle!

Email like this I bet,