
Next year's iPhone suddenly overheating and random memory fails will not be a coincidence.

Treatment for the bends is not straight oxygen, you need to pressurize the diver to the same level he was, to decrease the nitrogen bubble, known also as gas embolism. Those hyperbaric chambers are big metal balloons with lots of oxygen (they use it also for treating ulcers and some infections)

Actaully, No that is not how HIV does it. HIV attaches to the cell, uses reverse transcriptase to get into the nucleus and then uses an integrase to multiply itself. When it does this, it renders the CD4 useless, thus your immune system eventually gets overrun.

That'b be great if it were prophylaxis, but inducing apoptosis of all infected cells while infected, may produce a pancytopenia of God knows what magnitude. I like the concept and direction, but as is, it may not be suitable. Or it may lead to man kind committing Seppuku

Only one thing missing...

Me too, That I would watch at 1,000,000 frames per second.

You may be right, but they blocked the Tab not other phones (although they have a Galaxy suit pending somewhere). The User UI (icon based) can be traced to Palm and before, so that will not be their wining card. The shine and polish is where they may be able to get something and it seems that the copying of the big

On her mind:

I'm sure they infringed the patent of a slab of crystal on top of a metal. It's not like Acer, Asus, HP, Lenovo, Motorola, Toshiba, Vizio etc have the same form factor, Samsung is the criminal.

Pure coincidence. It just so happens the Brits are on the way of adopting a new pastime. I can see it now Manchester Lions vs Liverpool Flames on the BBL (British Baseball League) World series

It used to take me 3 minutes to watch a balloon pop, now it is close to 4 hours. At least it beats watching Jersey Shore

I need EXIF data now. Truly beautiful

So you meant your accountant wife. Yes if we all had one of those.

Vote: Mint

I'm sure if you show me a video of the same process for the original plastic cap, I'll be equally impressed

It was supposed to be humorous by being ironic, thus being not funny.

What is really funny is that it isn't XKCD.

Don't worry, the list will be short and trimmed

and that is exactly how they'll justify this pool.

The box says Whale pool, she just picked the one that said Dolphin pool, common mistake.