
They left out the part where she put bullets in the chamber. The story she told is too stupid and its purpose is to divert to the sheer stupidity of what she did, try to light a cigarette with a real gun.

Still in use

I see him quitting the presidency too, among other things.

And on the corner, Olympus and Pentax were playing a friendly game of checkers

The perfect carpal tunnel syndrome inducer for the MMORPGamer

In a responding article. the Society of Royal BS found that a sword through an unarmed medieval soldier chest decrease locomotion to zero, 100 times less than its armored counterpart

That is exactly what I did when I played baseball. Didn't quite work, but I'm sure I was up to something.

For me, streaming killed it. I have 3 iPods, and iPhone. I Put so much music in I forgot about playing. Now I connect an old iPhone 3g to stream and forget about everything else.... sooo any Spotify invites to nail this coffin??

"derecha" is right, "derecho" is straight or (personal) right

*chokes on mint candy

The Mac should cost $45, come in brushed aluminum and the experience of holding your pants would be magical. It may also include the magic stick.

Thanks for the ride, you are credit to team.

"There is no real incentive to actually solve anything if money can be made with reoccurring treatments."

You are quite correct, it is very prevalent on all hospitals, and that is why it's very dangerous. But the approach to its erradication is very different for viruses and resistant bacteria.

I fully agree on the degree of seriousness of this resistant bacteria, but there is treatment. Usually if it only has partial resistance, you use it and try Poly B to help achieve goals. On the other hand, not all hospitals have all antibiotics, which is a greater concern.

There are not 10,000 combinations of HIV therapies. 50 at most, here is the FDA list.

Even more ironic, that comment bombed.

1- NDM-1 is not a bacteria, it is a gene that can be shared amongst K.pneumania and other Gram negative bacteria, providing them with resistance

+4 internets because stigma is the right word, regardless of how a patient acquires it.