
To be fair, cola will give type 2 diabetes. Juvenile diabetes is an autoimmune disease.

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Very misleading title. You have pulse because the heart is pumping blood. Thing about that kind of pump on the circulatory system is that you will need to be on coumadin for the rest of your life.

You thought he had a heart. Common mistake

Well, that is one way to solve the AT&T dropped calls conundrum.

Old lady goes to a sex shop and asks for a vibrator. The clerk tells her they are on the wall on the back. She comes back and says "I'll have that red one" To which the clerk replys "Ma'am, from the extinguisher to the right"

I meant that it looks like it used recycled material. And since China is the mayor producer of waste in the world....

Looks more recycled than recyclable. Straight out of China.

Here is a tip. If you have winrar or 7zip, you can actually decompress the .exe that comes with the printers. You extract it to your drive and when windows wants to look for it, just point it to the folder with the drivers. It even works on WiFi printers, after installing it by USB first of course.

Did he sneaked back the Compact Flash cards, or just uploaded them to Flickr?

You would think that a phone would dial 911, but apparently, hers only shoots video

"Can you please leave" "Certainly ma'am, but I will need to have forced sexual intercourse with you, so stay there let me put this box of things in my motor vehicle, and I will be right with you"

I don't know how he does it. And that, my friend, is the reason for the anger.

Its what he represents that they hate. I hate having to wake up at 5 am to make breakfast for my kids, then off to work before the sun rises and work until no more sun is seen, all the while Tron Guy is...... doing...... nothing but..... standing in a Tron suit. Okay, I hate him.

My thoughts exactly. He had to take pictures of the carnage.

Well I'm a doctor, and I don't text at the movies. On the other hand, I haven't been able to go to the movies since 2008, when 320 × 480 was all the rage.

I know the one you talk about. I don't have the hand strap, but I'll try to put the velcro on the padding of the original camera strap. Hell, if I sew it in it would be perfect.

I will. I am used to WebOS gestures, that I forget I can swipe other ways!

-"Wait a second, let me calibrate this"

That's right, totally forgot about that. My preferred method is the swipe up top. I'll guess I'll need a new favorite method.