
Interesting. I now have something to do on the weekend. I use velcro straps, and loop them around the strap. Your idea seems more time efficient.

I'm really worried as how sbsettings will work the new notification system. really worried

A country where I can't know what Charlie Sheen is doing or where I don't know where Ashton Kutcher bought toilet paper is not a country where I would want to live.

Defending the Argentinian pride, that truly makes you argentinian. Lol

Sorry, I misspelled puta. I thought he said "chico", it makes more sense what you say.

I echo them words

This is just another attempt to alleviate an incurable problem. All persons do not respond to alcohol the same way, so one cure won't be universal. There is only one sure remedy for the hangover, Time.

I have to say the contrary. They should only serve bootlegged rum, like the ones they probably drank. Such as pitorro.

Imagine the line on that one. It would go around the block

That is living on the edge.

Swappable enclosure is the best, but current Apple's philosophy is taking even the simplest thing away from even the iMacs. We sure can dream

For a second I thought it was a a Bank of Russia, where ATM's.... well, you know the rest.

I hope they don't give him the star treatment as they do with celebrities. Although, a famous ass in jail is worth something.

That's hilarious. I just have my wife as friend. Anyone who is important will know that we are married. You need AdBlock urgently my friend, you know that sometimes those ads are psychologically inducing.

This sounds complicated, I'd ratter stay married. Changing a FB from married to divorce would cause so much gossip!!

"Mister sensible 5 cylinder SUV, you have no heart"

Now this kind of outsourcing I'm down with. Not like the auto-tune that's coming out of everyone. Damn you Cher!!!

Red Hat was all the rage back then. That and green colored iMacs.

Where have you been all my (Windows) life!!