
You buy a house at half the price your neighbors do, there is always a catch.

I signed for it too, but haven't gotten it neither. As for the album, The Monster had innovative things and that's why it was successful. This one feels like trying too hard to be innovative. Anyways I'm helping the economy, right??

I have to agree with you. I thought it was dirt cheap... the exact amount I was willing to pay for the Gaga album. (Moadonna's cover band..... priceless!!! )

I am glad then that most people's smelly feet are from athlete's foot, which is a fungi.

It was a matter of time, since most air controllers already changed to them.

You mean her profile picture, right?

That's Cold!!

At some point this guy must thought about the space it was in. Or the wife decided against it the week before finishing it?

I'm offended by your comment. You fail to notice the blatant display of hot girls of yesteryear as part of the novelty.

I remember a time when you had to buy drinks to be in the place. Now they are forcing us to buy apps. Also, there was no music to be destroyed. Or any sign of self importance or pride.

And you thought Apple tracking your devices was bad? I can only imagine the potential here.

I would be stuttering too at those kind of numbers. That or your Ctrl- V button is stuck

It would be pronounced how?

I have to agree with you. A $5,000. camera won't make a better photographer, just more expensive crappy photos.

I tried Netflix, but they wouldn't stream here (Puerto Rico), they only deliver the DVD's

But the question is , can it be considered a word?? two characters, one a letter, the other a number?

Is it a suffix?? I am really confused or I haven't updated my english rule book in quite a few years.

Don't worry, PSN is away from most people nowadays.

That you shouldn't emulate Windows XP on your phone?