
I better dust off my treo 650 and tether it off this tablet.

I can see the cops knocking my door down every time I order chinese food.

Those glasses make him look so gay.

Don't worry too much about it, because its a very thin line in HIV cases. HIV/AIDS has an enormous stigma for the patients besides the burden of being ill. It is an STD, HepB & HepC, Chlamydia, etc, so it needs to be reported.

These are not vaccines, it's as if you have the flu, you take medication, which decreases the chance of spreading the flu. These patients are HIV positive, and most likely have an HIV negative partner, therefore if the disease is controlled, the risk is minimal. so says the study.

I'm thinking multiple PC's, one mouse.

You could first try an extender/amplifier for your system, which boosts the signal. This is, however limited at how thick are the walls. The next thing you should try is Powerline adapters, which run from 200 Mbps to the more expensive ( and better) which run to a Gigabit. I have one setup at home and at the end of

I see what you say about camera sensors, but I think it mainly refers to the now ended race for megapixel superiority, where the turnout of cameras with higher MP weren't accompanied by an increase of sensor, for obvious reasons. You can only fit so many MP in a sensor before they start to "cannibalize" the image. The

I treat far too many HIV patients to know this is not the problem. The problem is that young MSM (men who have sex with men) and drug addicts have accepted the disease as part of the "group". HIV doesn't itch, it doesn't hurt and it doesn't show its face until advanced stages. ARV drugs work, but complexity of what to

Blood diamonds meant something else for this thief.

If you grab it by the sides, you won't be able to connect to the cloud OS.

As long as life bar indicator doesn't appear on the upper corner, I'll try it. Oooh!! That truck looks like a Power Up cube!!

I know how the writer feels, I laughed the same when I saw people pay over $100,000 for a pen, the price of half a house or a car.

Some double sided tape on one usb hub on the underside of the table would have done the same thing, it would be hidden and wouldn't kill the word elegant like that skewed hole. And it would work on any other type of desk (wood, metal, plastic, granite)

One thing is to hear conversations, other is to be loud. A loud person in a coffee shop (or anywhere) it's annoying. But if there ever was more convenient place to meet and talk to friends, I don't want to know. Plus I love my coffee with a talk.

kilos of cocaine you stashed and photographed?

We do not choose our parents. Even tough I am filled with anger, my only wish is that he becomes conscious of what he did. Never mind, he is not human, consciousness is not achievable.

Except now there are no Blockbuster stores, so that point is moot.

1 house has minimum 2 TVs. If we compensate for the closed/destroyed homes, I don't think we should be worrying about that decrease very much.

I have a PS3, and I couldn't use my Hulu ( or other PSN requiering services) because of it. Thing is, I shouldn't need to login to PSN to use my PS3. I am not glad at what they did, but sure as hell ain't sad about Sony's attitude towards consumers per se.