
I agree with you, I have one of those and is pretty nifty

You the ......mannnnnnn, I mean God.

... or 2024

He should have suspected something when none of the 72 were virgins.

I knew that when I was in 6th grade my classmates misbehave a little, I didn't know they where going to take it that far.

Exactly my point, you won't get out of the plane.

If I set the alarm at the airport bar next to the gate, then what?

Oh that makes me so....0_o

The Palm Pre has it. I wondered why iOS hasn't put something similar too

Spinning Jello Donut?

To be fair, it was cardbox. And probably was some kind of parody. Still, your cat won't quit!!!

Girl has sex with someone she likes, she enjoys it

If you do ever see varicose in the upper extremities, you have a very serious circulatory disease. And that is risky

It's not the size that matters is what you use it for. For Pr0n of course

They do exist, and it is very risky issue.

It would suck, and you'll get angry and will be locked further out.

I wonder what will it read when they get clogged. Varicose veins definitely will change the image.

This free app is too expensive.

I remember the cycle when smaller phones were better, then bigger, then faster....

Because all professional photographers use disposable cameras. They just don't want to develop it.