
That makes absolutely sense. I forgot about that (or read the source).

That's is the most beautifully engineered useless machine ever. It never ends!!

Paracetamol = Acetaminophen= Tylenol.

Don't say that out loud, or you'll be called a communist, socialist, hippie. I'm a physician and I would LOVE not having to deal with insurance companies, and would LOVE not having to fight for my patients freaking right to take a test I ordered. As it is is good for the healthcare industry, but it sucks to be

This is not about profits, it's about being competitive on labor issues. This was brought of course by the same industries history of unfair practices, they just relocate very often. I live in Puerto Rico, and as soon as a tax break was cut off, the pharmaceuticals lift their wings and disappeared. And they landed

I'm not saying I favor it, I'm saying companies just move to places where they disregard labor rights, just to increase profit/ decrease spending.

You are right, but you need to take into account man hours, overtime, sick leaves vacation, insurance, health benefits, etc, etc... Those are things that were fought for years ago, but ended up just displacing the bad deeds. If China had the same labor rights as do we, electronics wouldn't be as cheap, or they

Thing is, they would be also want US profits, and at the US prices they would cost, they would go straight to the US bankruptcy court. Us manpower is too expensive for companies based in the US or elsewhere, because of those damn pesky labor rights.

I'll try to make my jokes more rational and correct next time.

Thank you for, not only understanding, but for understanding it well.

Me, I just encode them at 96 kbps. No extra app needed.

I guess she Hates the iPad.

He had no risks, the desk in his car was an armored plate.

Bold assessment, but....

No surprise for the "No one will need more than 637 kb of memory for a personal computer" man himself.

I never said anything anti anything. Reality is, HTC makes great phones with incredible specs, but still find themselves comparing to iOS. Me, I prefer WebOS.

That's nice to know.

...or spend $49 on the regular Apple keyboard, with numeric pad.

HTC: A flagship phone every month.

The iPad's No removable storage saga finally ends