
Being my first father's day as a father, This will be someone's homepage for a while. And those TV's are now so cheap. *sigh & wishful thinking*

Thing about gray walls is that they give the subtle impression of shadows. That L shaped desk in front of the window is just beautifully done.

@virgilstar: I once changed my SSID to noyouwont. But, boy did someone tried and tried

@moe52: Macs don't need those things. You just replace it with a trendier version

@tuxus: It is the my first choice too, but, for example, when you put an equation or a money conversion on google, the answer is displayed on the google page, meaning it directly answered it. When i put an error code, it shows me a place with my answer, indirectly showing me the way. I stand by my point

Calling Google a Diagnostic tool is like calling the Yellow Pages an Auto Repair Shop... it's a tool, but no the tool

We need a good Summer song now, this will do in the meantime

You could also try to shoot at twilight, with long exposure... most of the people will only be blurs.

Just when I finally got rid of Win 7 gadgets because they were distracting... and they were slowing my PC

Good luck trying to remove that guy in front of you with a tripod mounted camera that doesn't seem to move anywhere.

@huh989: Glad you do. They also have iPhone app, but why buy the cow, right??

@wjglenn: How about using chat roulette, I'm sure someone will help you monitor..... right. They also have iPhone apps, and 200 sit-ups and squats a day, but I'm already on the pain phase, we'll see about gain

@tytycoon: Right, but symptoms are quite different. As "rule of thumb" when it starts on the throat, strep (bacterial) if it starts on the nose, viral. But don't tell anyone

I see a hotspot on Antarctica, meaning more people go there than to northern South Dakota or Southern North Dakota

@psychiccheese: As a doctor, you are correct. Specifically, virus dna that is circular (like some swine flu you may have overheard) mutates by "sharing" pieces with other viruses or by rearranging itself. That is why every year the flu vaccine needs to be made to include these new mutations.

@NoodlesNZ: Thank You, I'll check it out now

I'm a Physician and usually I use ePocrates for my iPhone {[]], which has the pill identifier, or online at [] when I have a computer at hand. Sometimes generic versions don't appear but it is a great tool, specially when I ask about their meds and they say " a little white pill".

@DJRRJr.: I set my revo with media center on win 7 and used the boxee and xbmc plug ins... and I installed the xbmc by itself on a sd card, when I want it to boot straight to it

@Victor: Look at the walls, find something square. Jump off of it... Presto, you just found the window!!

@DaveyNC: My quip would be the kitchen; imagine going to get a snack or a glass of water before your show comes on....