Prionace Glauca

The climate deniers haven’t won anything. Donald Trump is an ignorant fool, as are his followers. The rest of the world - the other 193 nations, major multinational corporations, state governors, and city mayors - will leave Trump and his followers behind; wishing to go back to their 20th century industrial age.

Please note that these are all gigantic corporations with near-monopolies on their markets. Despite the oft-repeated promises of greater efficiencies resulting in better service and pricing, the customer almost always loses when corporations have almost no competition for a critical service.

No idea what Tl;dr means, but the entire intelligence community - with few exceptions - strongly disagrees with you.

Read a little deeper. This intelligence was gathered by Israel. It was passed on to US intelligence agencies with the strict understanding that it would NOT be shared with ANYONE else, not even our allies. No one did, until Trump was briefed on the intel (though not the source). Trump - needing everyone to know how

Interesting note: the POTUS is not required to have - and does not have - any level of security clearance. It is assumed that he/she is trustworthy due to the nature of their position. Of course, they are instructed as to the sensitivity of the classified info they are briefed on; which in this case, I think it’s safe

...and yet another possibility: the boarding agents computer picked a passenger at random, or using some algorithm based on fare price and mileage status; and because the passenger whom the computer chose happened to be black, she decided to make that the reason that she was asked to move. Given that flight attendants

This is a sticky wicket indeed. McMaster is an active duty military officer, and as such is subject to the chain of command and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), including Court Martial. However, his role as the National Security Advisor is a civilian position, where he is NOT subject to the UCMJ. McMaster

I would hope that Apple would up their encryption game; given that a company was able to hack one of their phones.

It’s Mukilteo, Washington...not Oregon.

Trump is an idiot, but he knows - to steal from a quote from Lincoln - that you can “fool some of the people all of the time”; in his case, 35% of Americans. He markets himself as a ‘business genius’, to people that are too gullible or stupid to question whether or not it’s true, and don’t care to do any research to

I think the word “stand-by” was used by mistake. Non-revenue airline employees either fly ‘space-positive’, meaning they have a seat like everyone else; or ‘space-available’, meaning they get a seat IF one is available. If the airline needs a crew to reposition for another flight, they get priority. THAT BEING SAID,

I hope that this passenger sues Untied for millions (spelling intentional).

Jesus...really? Changes - although they hadn’t taken effect yet - were in process when Trump came in. Now they are not going to take effect. That is the change. Is that a challenging concept?

Semantics. It was about to change dramatically from state 0 to state 1, now it is going to stay at state 0. The change, is that it was about to change, and now it isn’t. That is a change.

It reversed the rules that were about to be put in place, so I would argue it changed everything significantly. And agin, the government should be protecting American’s from this as this EU does for their citizens, not making it happen.

Sign me up. :-)

Not much usually. Connecting to Asia or Europe is quite a bit slower, but that’s expected when the packet is going 6,000 miles...

I love and use PIA, but doesn’t it make you angry that your own government is putting you in the position of having to pay for a VPN setup in order to keep your browsing history from being sold on the open market?

This is by FAR the most egregious sellout of the American people by Trump so far. American citizens should not have to pay for and use a VPN or Tor to hide their browsing habits from marketers, and the government should absolutely not be in the business of making that happen; in fact they should be protecting us from

We have a 74-year old relative who worked all of her life, and was widowed two years ago with her husband leaving her a sizeable nest egg. She’s retired and was spending the rest of her well-deserved days traveling and enjoying hobbies.