Prionace Glauca

That’s why I bought a Subaru instead of a Toyota.

Joel Osteen is a lying douchebag who is swindling his supporters; second only to the Douchebag-In-Chief Trump.

Naturally...FLOTUS is going to survey a natural disaster in 3" heels! :-)

Carbonite is not a good alternative. It’s too difficult to be selective about what you want to backup. I pay $5 a month for CrashPlan now, and that will double under their new plan...not a lot of money, but still a 100% increase. Very frustrating that they just cut everyone off rather than just sunsetting them through

That’s not “well played”. That’s an asshole maneuver made by people who believe that anything legal = ethical. Hopefully their wealthy neighbors band together and tie them up in court for years.

I can’t help but notice that no one is alleging racism or murder when a Muslim police officer shoots a white woman. Hmm...could it be that everyone is waiting to hear the facts of the case before rushing to judgement? ;-)

Douchebag. Media Whore. Dumbshit.

I flew in/out of SXM for years. The pilots and aircraft are flying a normal approach path to the runway, but the beach is incredibly close to that runway, so...

If I was in row 20, I definitely would NOT get up and stand in the aisle immediately, but if I had enough room I do stand up to the extent that I can under the overhead, just to stretch out a bit.

“Castile dies, and his killer eventually walks free without any repercussions.”

Please note that these are all gigantic corporations with near-monopolies on their markets. Despite the oft-repeated promises of greater efficiencies resulting in better service and pricing, the customer almost always loses when corporations have almost no competition for a critical service.

...and yet another possibility: the boarding agents computer picked a passenger at random, or using some algorithm based on fare price and mileage status; and because the passenger whom the computer chose happened to be black, she decided to make that the reason that she was asked to move. Given that flight attendants

This is a sticky wicket indeed. McMaster is an active duty military officer, and as such is subject to the chain of command and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), including Court Martial. However, his role as the National Security Advisor is a civilian position, where he is NOT subject to the UCMJ. McMaster

I think the word “stand-by” was used by mistake. Non-revenue airline employees either fly ‘space-positive’, meaning they have a seat like everyone else; or ‘space-available’, meaning they get a seat IF one is available. If the airline needs a crew to reposition for another flight, they get priority. THAT BEING SAID,

I hope that this passenger sues Untied for millions (spelling intentional).

We have a 74-year old relative who worked all of her life, and was widowed two years ago with her husband leaving her a sizeable nest egg. She’s retired and was spending the rest of her well-deserved days traveling and enjoying hobbies.

There’s always some smartass who tries to prove himself by claiming that common knowledge is wrong, and only he has the real scoop; like the guy who INSISTS that rust is not corrosion, but the byproduct of corrosion. And even after seeing proof that the term is interchangeable, they insist that the proof is wrong. Oh

Everyone hates Trump except white people with no critical thinking skills.

As a pilot of 35 years, I call that not even close...planes are frequently in close proximity during takeoff and landing operations. Ford could not have missed the large jet right in front of him, and had plenty of clearance to land well past him. That being said, landing on a taxiway is never cool, and he’s got some

I wake up every morning to the news, and still can’t believe that America elected one the biggest con-artists we’ve ever produced.