I grew up in an apolitical home. Nothing. My mom had no interest, and my dad - now 81 - has never voted in his life. So no one can say I was indoctrinated as a child.
I grew up in an apolitical home. Nothing. My mom had no interest, and my dad - now 81 - has never voted in his life. So no one can say I was indoctrinated as a child.
I’m basically a silent partner in a successful local company. Even though I don’t work there, people I know ask me to put a word in for them when they apply. If I know them and their work well enough to put my credibility on the line, I’ll do it. If not - or it’s a secondhand recommendation - I just let HR know that I…
This is mostly nonsense. No one has been able to reliably prove this phenomena, or offer a provable explanation for it. It CAN happen if conditions are just right, but no one knows what those conditions are, and a large-scale study would have to control for a lot of variables.
FitBit One. Over two years of all-day use, and not one hiccup. A full charge still lasts about 10-14 days. Still using the original silicone clip.
FitBit One. Over two years of all-day use, and not one hiccup. A full charge still lasts about 10-14 days. Still…
Why is this news? I see kids running in every 5K, 10K and Half I’ve ever been in...
Running our scenario through the NYT calculator - with home prices currently rising 8% a year and rents at 10% a year - the benefits of buying are a clear no-brainer.
Renting makes a lot of sense in some cases, but if you live in a city where the rents are going up much faster than the cost of living, the calculus quickly changes. The 600 sq. ft. pad that you initially paid $1,100 a month for is now $3,200 a month. Now what?
You know what else will do that? Pouring the wine into ANY container, and then back into the bottle. You don’t need a $30 carafe, but if you must have it...
You know what else will do that? Pouring the wine into ANY container, and then back into the bottle. You don’t need…
I love riding motorcycles, but all of those motorcyclists are asshole douchebags with a limited life expectancy. Driving through traffic at those speeds is an idiot’s game, and assaulting a driver who doesn’t appreciate their recklessness is even dumber.
Donald Trump is a petty, vain, insecure man who uses bluster to mask his lack of self-confidence, and equivocation to mask his lack of depth and knowledge; a billionaire who thinks like an adult, but has the emotional maturity of a child.
Great article!
I disagree with #8 somewhat. If your house burns down or is hit by any number of natural disasters (earthquake, fire, tornado, etc), or is stolen in a burglary...ALL of your data is gone. All of your pictures. All of your MP3's. Gone.
If the DPRK dropped a nuke on anyone, Pyongyang and every major military facility in the country would be destroyed within hours.
I agree that the best and only way to reduce violent crime - and the demand for guns - is to eliminate poverty.
Yes....take guns away from police, because when they encounter violent criminals with guns, you want them to rely on their grown-up words to disarm and arrest the criminals. Perfect solution. Well thought out. ;-)
How, exactly, do you propose “no guns”? Repeal the 2nd Amendment? Then send the ATF to conduct door-to-door searches of every house in America to confiscate hundreds of millions of registered and unregistered guns; many of which the owners will not want found? It would never occur to anyone to hide their guns, or say…
The guys in the Silverado are stupid hillbillies, especially the guy with the gun. I’m sure he just wanted to scare the biker, but his finger was inside the trigger guard...a rookie move. If that gun went off and he ended up killing a guy who had nothing to do with the incident between another biker and another…
A simple, sturdy waiters corkscrew. $5 at any wine shop.
A simple, sturdy waiters corkscrew. $5 at any wine shop.
What the fuck is wrong with you?