
Those Mickey shorts are pretty great. Check some of them out. I haven't seen Wander Over Yonder, but I've heard good things. The animation categories are pretty damn solid this year.

My dad thought for sure Chris Pratt would be nominated just on the basis that he's become such a huge star over the last year. He had me convinced to the point I was surprised he wasn't.

In a sense, but Arrested Development, 30 Rock and even Modern Family all won for their first seasons. The Office won for it's second, so it's "real" first. A couple of relatively recent dramas did, too: Lost, Mad Men and Homeland.

This is too awful. Just so sad.

I recently finished binge-watching Friends (judge all you want, I don't care) and it made me think of Joey's Japanese commercial for "lipstick for men."

Pratt and Johnson only have I think one scene together, so don't get your hopes up for "Andy Dwyer and Nick Miller vs. the Dinosaurs."

My mom was 40 when it came out, and she saw it in theaters 8 times.

I like the setpiece where their trailer is falling off the cliff, and the T-Red wrecking San Diego is the JP series at it's "B-moviest." The raptors were definitely weak in that one, though.

Or to go back in time a little, the entire human cast of Aliens.

Well, Jurassic Park III.

They're all just really big fans of that dog from Yoshi's Island.

It's on Apple's trailer page. Maybe it was supposed to be exclusive.

Nerds on the internet are the worst kinds of people sometimes.

This looks about as faithful as a Peanuts movie could possibly be. I'm actually really excited for it.

A few times in the one where he turns invisible!

I didn't mind it, but it seems like the kind of thing that would have been handled off-panel in the strip. Like he'd be talking to Linus about it and the humor would come from trying to imagine how Charlie Brown accidentally knocked over a whole fence.

I love them. Their cameos in the Valkyria Chronicles games were nice, but I want the real deal.

My friends and I got lost for weeks on end in the Dreamcast original's world. I'd never seen or played anything like it before. There was this game where you could spend hours just PETTING A KITTEN? And THEN you can learn sweet kung fu moves? And THEN you just go to the arcade and play Space Harrier? Shenmue was so

She's the Sheriff exists only in my 5-year-old head. I used to have a tape my dad recorded of some Donald Duck special that I watched on loop, and I have really hazy memories of ads for that show being on it.

I caught the early-ish episode of "Frasier" where Sam comes to visit, and it was kind of strange. Even though I KNOW "Frasier" was a spinoff, Sam just didn't seem to fit in the new world they'd created.