
I always pictured Mrs. Columbo as a lot him. Kinda shabby and goofy but with a razor sharp intellect that's not immediately apparent.


Burton didn't do it. It was in Batman Forever, when he threw the Batarang at Riddler's big brainwave thing.

There's a couple quick shots in both Batman Forever and Dark Knight where he flips little visors over his eyes. I thought it looked kinda goofy both times. I'm fine seeing his eyes in live action.

He does that cool bullet analysis thing in Dark Knight. That's about as detectivy as he ever was in the movies, though, aside from when he cracks Joker's cosmetics scheme in the Keaton movie.

In the original Superman movie, Luthor just kind of figures out the kryptonite thing on his own in his office after Superman's only been around for like a week.

I think there was an extra shade to the Jungle Island bit, The joke wasn't so much that two dudes were doing all the poison sucking, but that McKinnon desperately wanted to be the one doing it and was being constantly blocked.

Deadpool as a thing has been kind of overplayed in recent years, but I'll say this about this movie. It looks like it's being spearheaded by people who have actual love for the character, which is refreshing.


Every sermon ends with "Nuff Said."

It's kind of like Monty Python's Funniest Joke in the World! One man heard just the first sentence, and now he's in a coma!

Yeah, I think South Park was the first time the Xenu stuff was known at all to the public at large, even a lot of members of the church. I remember what a big deal that episode was. For all "common sense breakdowns" South Park was known for, Trapped in the Closet felt the first time they were doing a genuine expose.

Maybe an easy joke, but still… when Michael Jackson thinks you're a little too out there, it's time to reexamine your life choices.

I don't know. To me, the joke with Tobias is his complete obliviousness.

They're in the hall of fame for what it's worth. And they still record hits pretty consistently.

This reminds me of all the hidden links you needed to find and click to get to Strong Sad's LiveJournal on back in the day. It's the next step in evolution from that.

So, more "The Muppets" than "Space Jam," eh? As in, some people who actually give a shit about these characters are taking a crack at it?

I've said it before, but the stilted delivery of the child actors in the old Peanuts cartoons are one of favorite things about them. I LOVE the way those characters sound.

Daniel Tosh is from my hometown. A couple of years ago, when we were going through a rough economic slump, he offered to personally pump a ton of money into the town so he could temporarily paint his face on our water tower for a bit.

I wish more female video game characters were like Governor Elaine Marley.