
Hey everyone. I apologize if the site isnt loading. I seriously made this site for myself to teach myself google maps, google ads and Postigs with PostgreSQL. Ive moved off the hosting from the 8 year old dell under my feet and onto some elastic amazon virtual servers. I was kind of surprised when that little machine

Hey everyone. I apologize if the site isnt loading. I seriously made this site for myself to teach myself google maps, google ads and Postigs with PostgreSQL. Ive moved off the hosting from the 8 year old dell under my feet and onto some elastic amazon virtual servers. I was kind of surprised when that little machine

There is more technology in place to track cattle and ensure its safety in the US than school students. I think this article is way misleading in its content. Most schools don't have the money to get a system like this just to catch kids playing hooky. Unless you were in the student transportation business you

What awesome quality of video for being so old.