Princess Whoosh

You do know that not everyone can save, for whatever reason, but still may want one, so $350 is alot still, and it’s not like $350 and it’s yours, taxes, supplementary controllers and obviously new releases aren’t cheap. So waiting a bit, for many, makes perfect financial sense. I’d say for those who’ve been on the

I can understand the sentiment, as a console is pure luxury purchase. You aren’t going to use it to take notes in class or complete important projects. It can be hard to rationalize spending that much on what is considered a “toy” in the eyes of some.

I’m pretty sure Douche Dad ran into two of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

The writing on that one is the BEST. I lost it at fleeing the great Fucks Famine of 2015.

OH GOD. I haven’t even finished reading but that Funky Town story has brought actual tears to my eyes.

Meh, I wouldn’t say that longevity and suckiness are mutually exclusive. To be fair I am pretty weird, though.


Yay for ethics in journalism, fuck GamerGate, fuck online harassment, and fuck their supporters.

That is some hilariously sneaky feminist eugenics. (I mean that in an “I actually giggled at the irony” way, not an “I’m being a snarky dick” to you way.) I feel like Margaret Atwood could do that concept justice: some scifi society where hive mind women secretly and collectively use their traditional cultural

Yeah but... This is an extreme example. I mean come the fuck on.

On one hand, very true.

This whole thing is so sad.

This is as important a story as Deadspin has ever done. My contempt for Hardy, Jones and Goodell is matched only by my admiration for Diana’s epic reporting.

This is beyond horrifying.

What does that have to do with anything? She's an A list celebrity who is famous because SHE IS AN ATHLETE. Not famous because she is a great beauty. It's her skill at beating the fuck out of people that makes her a celebrity, not her skin. Do you think that all famous people should have medical interventions to make

Seriously. I'm supposed to go under the knife repeatedly to remove a perfectly normal and healthy feature of my skin because someone thinks it's gross and has absolutely ignorant ideas about scarring?

I come to complement your Eastern European moliness with my Black moliness, which means they start in the teens and multiply as you age, and also say fuck anyone who has a problem with my dotty face.

Lol no. Ever talked to a dermatologist about the procedure for removing moles? I’ve got one on my neck, up by my ear... in order to have it removed I’d have to have a large chunk of flesh carved out of my neck, leaving a scar bigger and more noticeable than the mole itself, AND I’d get to pay out of pocket for the

Yessss, truthyfacts. I am also a mole person. By which I mean I am a person who is covered in moles and not that I am a person made up of twelve moles standing on each others shoulders and wearing a long coat.

Fuck off. It’s not your face. If you don’t like the way someone else looks, do not look at them.