Princess Whoosh

Am I the only one that feels re: this and Ghostbusters, that I would vastly prefer a brand new movie that casts women? Rather than the weird, gimmicky, "lets make the same movie only this time we will take lady money!"

That is literally what you said. I get that you don’t like the commentor and that you think they’re lying, but in your own words you wrote “if you are what you say you are”. How many other ways are there to read that? I’m not defending them, I’m taking exception to how you decided to respond to their assertion that

I don’t know why certain commenters are coming down so hard on you but I do see a lot of people that feel the need to defend marriage with such intensity that I suspect they question their own reasons for getting married. Lots of people (not just some or a few) get married for the wrong reasons, that is a fact, if it

Wow, so well put. I know a woman who brow-beat her boyfriend into proposing and marrying her. They would have door-slamming fights about it. And then, on instagram and facebook, all the proposal and engagement photos, and then the endless wedding photos. It’s absolutely a sham, and she seems unashamed, as if the

Though I look at how young women are encouraged to see it, and the party/wedding minutia seems to be all they’re often about.


Ugh lord. The marriage mythology turns otherwise smart and self-possessed women into fucking lunatics.

You’re missing the part where there are just people in this world, even if you don’t like it or don’t know them that will say, “I want a wedding. I want a ring. I want to be his wife. Or I will go find someone that wants to marry me and have a wedding and call me his wife.” I have had at least 3 friends do this. You

It sounds like someone from Made in Chelsea like Millie Mackintosh speaking over the backtrack of an old DS game. Like, yer, I am off to Verbier with Venetia beep beep squish boing. As we say in Scotland - utter pish.

Thank god she’s skinny and her parents are connected. Otherwise she might have to survive on ability and skill.

It looks REALLY bad when you cancel a panel, put together by women, on how to deal with online harassment of any kind. It’s especially bad when the panel is canceled due to online harassment.

How much do you reckon this was all for publicity? If you’re going to cancel them at least have the stones to go through with it.

Well Adele actually said in the interview Brit Brit linked to that she wanted to see Britney in Vegas

It’s not a news outlet. It’s a blog. Give it a rest.

Urge to criticize poor grammar rising...

probably pushing them out quickly so they have money for their other projects which i hope includes the long awaited season 2 of the wolf among us which IMO is their best work

I wish they would add a way to filter out all of the automatic stages.

Abandon thread! Abandon thread! Nothing good will come of this...

Jason is obviously wrong about Spirit Tracks, but the rest of his review is correct.

There is no way to play with only two people. This is extremely frustrating. If you want to group up with your boyfriend or roommate, you’ll have to play online and find a third person to match up with. Let it never be said that Nintendo does not encourage threesomes.