Princess Whoosh

Ah, the auto-science hysteria pops up again. Rather than take advantage of science, McDonalds kowtows to the idiocy of the "GMOS ARE EVIL" crowd.

I would prefer neither term to describe a person's body or character. Have you seen those clickbait "Qualities that Real Women Have" lists? They're not about body types, but they're still various lists that trap women in little boxes according to what men want from women. They basically all read like celebrations of

When people use the phrase "real women" they are telling a segment of the population that they aren't real, and it is completely okay for those women to get upset.

This gif is the scariest thing I've seen in a while.

must have been a really intense game of catan...

I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't think a 14 year old should go to jail for killing someone.

You are oversimplifying things in a way that is distorting what happened here. Can I ask why you ignore the fact that she was a student in your "independent actor" analysis? 14 year olds are required by law to go to school. First, being in this environment in and of itself is not a choice of this girl and that is

QUOTE | "It's harder to make games for casuals than for hardcore gamers." - Assassin's Creed Unity director Marc Albinet, explaining that casual games force devs to better understand their players.

I'm pretty hard core animal rights (with caveats...I firmly believe PETA is the devil, etc.), and I really don't see the issue with this. I presume these kids are eating meat at lunch...everyone *should* witness where their food comes from at least once in their lifetime. As long as the teacher was skilled in humane

Just trying to inject some logic. A woman who has slept with 100 people and tested negative for every STD is a safer bet than one who's fucked 3 and doesn't know her disease status. We should all be screening twice a year for everything. Number of partners is irrelevant so long as your panel is clean.

Well if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black! Bad on you for making assumptions....brb let me make a huge assumption.

Right there with you. My cat intentionally messes with me, so why can't I do it back? Her nickname is bitch. As in "Oh you bitch!"

You could do the adult thing and invite a new partner to get tested with you. It's not like you hit some arbitrary number and automatically get infected with something.

Honestly, having killed and cleaned various animals by the age of 16 (I was backpacking since I was a kid), this doesn't bother me in the least.

"The more people you fuck, the better chance that you caught something."

The cat is making a Lucille Bluth looking at Buster face every time it looks at him.

"anything more than that is unacceptable"