Princess Whoosh

Has anyone posted Rousseau yet? I haven't been following the Paris tigre situation...

This is likely legit, but I'm still having a really tough time believing it. Every single part of the map is completely different save for a small spot of water at the left edge of the screen. Not even a resemblance anywhere else. He seriously landscaped _everywhere_ including underwater? If so, impressive. But my

i cannot express how ok i am with that. now get samus in there and we talk.

Nope, I only post it to piss you off.

I sort of see the point of not canceling classes when a holiday is only observed by a very small group in the student population. But they can and should make some other accommodations, such as not counting it as an absence, directing teachers not to schedule tests or other significant events on that day, excusing the

No snark, I'm actually kind of impressed.

The first is that it's a free-to-play game with microtransactions – what these cover remains to be decided, but I'm told it'll be a mixture of cosmetic items and progression "boosts" for those who are short on time. The second is stylistic. Ranging from lizardmen engineers through feline Arctic survivalists to my

Peeta this is a little excessive, no?

Maybe if he bought 99 Nokia phones instead, they could have been... N-Gage'd

If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son. I got 99 iPhones, and my marriage proposal was promptly rejected......

You know..... that sounded better in my head.

Yep. Stealing this one. *Stores it in the gif dungeon of doom along with beauties like this*

This is ridiculous. If there's a problem problem with non violent offenders and recidivism, then address that. Just making a blanket statement about women solves nothing and, frankly, is somewhat offensive.

Yeah, this'll totally win over the naysayers who don't believe us when we say feminism is about equality.

I don't really see why the focus has to be on women here; just non-violent offenders in general.

Nothing about it was mean to Lorde, though - the episode is basically 100% making fun of Lorde truthers. It's actually pretty cute.

If you don't think harassment of women is synonymous with Gamergate at this point you are amazingly delusional. Every single non-gamer who has approached me (I'm their designated nerd, basically) about Gamergate has done so in the context of harassment of women. Note what I'm saying: Regardless of what you feel

Originally when I heard the criticism of the video I was like "I get it but at the same time, don't minimize the lived experience of the girl in the video though'. But after seeing this I really respect what these women have put together. It's hard out here for all of us. As a woman of size I get some weird, fucked up

Actually, it's about ethics in games journalism.