Princess Whoosh

Majority of people in the UK do know that black-face is offensive because we had black and white minstrel shows. I have called out Americans for wearing blackface and they had the same response. We need stop acting like people in the US are only ones that know that blackface is offensive.

As long as us working non-murderers are still free to wander around at will, and he's still confined and has to obey someone else's schedule, I'm not actually that outraged by this. I'd imagine sometimes he'd just really like to go to Wendy's and can't, or swim in the ocean and he never will again. The fact that I can

I've been in a lock down mental health facility for criminals and it had none of these things. Where exactly is this guy being held?

Where do you live?

I've seen pictures and spoken to people who work at our state hospital that take forensic cases, and while the state hospital is definitely *much better* for a person who has schizophrenia than being locked in solitaire for however long (which would certainly happen in prison) it's actually really

Not gunna lie, that's a fairly crappy action figure.

Get back to me when she has like a helicopter. Or SWAT gear. Or some sort of large ship (be it navel or pirate).

Also when she doesn't have such a weirdly large head.

I don't know why, but this seems like something I would like, but it just annoys me. I think the fact the being #notapinkgirl is such a huge part of their schtick. I'd rather see something defined by what it *is* —like those women in science lego sets. There's no need to hate on dolls or girly things, just give

Yeah, call me when they offer a doll that isn't white and blonde.

I was really excited until I saw the doll. That's a pretty lame action hero.

They have excellent marketing, but the GoldieBlox engineering kit (or whatever it was supposed to be) was a terrible, terrible product. That doll does not look particularly innovative either.

You mean, other than that Jezebel post that was just posted that literally states male rape is not a myth?

Nope. What's a myth is that rape when its a female perpetrator and a male victim is somehow "cool" or "funny," as is evidenced by so many of the comments on this story so far. Us feminists think these kind of jokes are pretty abhorrent. Rape is rape, regardless of gender.

Uh, no, stop believing everything r/mensrights or whatever equivalent tells you.

No, they don't.

no kotaku review of kotaku reviews?

oh noes, nott teh cemicilzzz!!

How about you post some *actual* sources (peer reviewed, reputable journals, reproducible results - no hysteria) and then we can really dissect what is and isn't going to make someone obese, cause cancer, and give you diabetes. Because there is lots to talk about! and lots of research

Oh no! Not those chemicals! It's almost like every single substance that we know of is composed of them!* Like every single cell in your body contains millions of 'em! Like you spend your entire life manufacturing them and devouring them to keep yourself from death!

"Well, he screamed something explicit at me on the sidewalk and I was so touched and turned on that I doubled back to talk to him and now we're a couple" said no woman ever in the history of human beings.

Except that the moment even the hottest guy on earth catcalls some woman he doesn't know, he immediately becomes unattractive. How on earth is a hot guy supposed to meet women? Conundrum!

There's nothing more than a woman loves to hear than how pretty she is.

I was really enjoying this one till they described everything that happened to the lead detective when he killed himself, hooooow would anyone know he saw those things if he killed himself? Kind of breaks the suspension of disbelief for me. Fun otherwise!