Okay, so apparently Newsweek did an analysis of #gamergate tweets, and, well, it appears that whatever GGers like to claim, Gamergate is about going after "SJWs" and/or those disagree with Gamergate. Primarily if the person is a woman.
Okay, so apparently Newsweek did an analysis of #gamergate tweets, and, well, it appears that whatever GGers like to claim, Gamergate is about going after "SJWs" and/or those disagree with Gamergate. Primarily if the person is a woman.
No, sir, the latter statement is NOT bullshit. There are countless Islamic leaders out there calling for an end to radicalism and sectarianism. There are Islamic people standing against everything the radicals believe— one of them recently received a Nobel Peace Prize for speaking out against radical Islam's beliefs…
Let me start by saying I don't think you're a bad person, and I don't fully blame you. That being said...
They're more than "bullies". Keep in mind that their standard tactic is to attempt to destroy the careers of anyone who disagrees.
There was a simmering anger about people like me — "Social Justice Warriors", as they call us — who are asking for change in the game industry: a better, broader representation of characters, among other things. We're "the cancer that's killing games", and Kotaku is seen as the key enemy site, with Polygon a close…
Maybe you and yours did not, but plenty of others did under the same banner. And I think the negative associations surrounding Gamergate have less to do with conspiratorial media massage than the outpouring of grass-roots hatred on image boards, twitter, and the telephone switch-boards. If anything, many media venues…
By saying grandmother's exist to huge their grandchildren you are expressly implying that grandchildren exist for their grandmothers. That's not true. People and children exist for their own reasons, they are not large stuffed animals.
I guess you missed this part:
To the contrary, it's very important to send an early and consistent message that your kid is the boss of their body and bodily interactions, and if they don't feel like hugging or kissing today (even if they did yesterday) then that's the end of it and no one is going to make them feel weird about it.
little kids spewing political talking points adults told them to say bugs no matter what side of the political spectrum they're on.
Is it ok that I hate this video?
If making blindly optimistic promises about upcoming games was illegal, Peter Molyneux would be a war criminal.
You had me at "gaming loins."
Probably because there's little concern that the individual is capable or even interested in carrying it out. It's had rather dire consequences for his career though.
Guy spergs out, makes death threats, gets game removed, and more spergs come out of the woodwork to question why it's so wrong to jokingly make death threats to somebody.
And the Guardian piece, which the commenters there apparently read as light and humorous, was very much [titter] "I'm ~such~ a ~stalker~ you guys! LOL"
Apparently there is a new trend where people pretend that there are 2 kinds of stalking and whichever kind they are doing is the totally okay kind (I'm remembering a recent article about a man in the UK and the woman he stalked and his whole "benevolent" stalking thing).
Well, that explains why the blogger was anonymous. Because apparently authors are fucking nuts.